Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Govind Ram Vs. MS, GB Pant Institute of Medical Education & Research | Case No. 4/795/2014-Wel./CD/ 661-62 | Dated: 06.06.2017

Case Summary:

Misc.  - Permitting sale of errands on PCO booth run by Disabled in light of PCOs becoming obsolete.  Complainant harassed by the hospital authorities for selling eatables from the premises of the PCO booth; matter was adjourned sine die by earlier Commissioner as a suit was also filed before Civil Judge in district court.  

Directions - Complainant should not be harassed on the ground of disability. Also the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Maharashtra Ekta Hawkers Union & anr V/s Municipal Corporation & Ors greater Mumbai in Civil appeal no. 4156-4157 of 2002 has already passed judgement saying Persons with disabilities who were allowed to operate PCOs shall be allowed to continue to run their stall and sell other goods because running of PCOs is no longer viable.

1. Judgement (2009) 17 SCC 231 
2. Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Judgement in Maharashtra Ekta Hawkers Union & Anr V/s Municipal Corporation & Ors Greater Mumbai in Civil appeal no. 4156-4157 of 2002; 

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/795/2014-Wel./CD/ 661-62                                 Dated: 06.06.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Govind Ram
Viklang Stall Gate No. 7
OPD Block, Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital
New Delhi – 110001                                                     ………….Complainant


The  Medical Superintendent
G.B. Pant Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (GIPMER)
1, J.L. Nehru Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.                                                     …….……..Respondent

            A Complaint dated 1.10.2014 of the above name complaint, addressed to the Hon’ble Prime Minister a person with more than 40% locomotor  disabilities was received from the office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities vide letter dated 1.11.2014. In the said complaint,  it is stated that the complainant and  Sh. Lal Singh were running a PCO booth for the last 20 years at G.B.Pant Hospital. The PCOs were locked and sealed by the Hospital. These locks  were opened on the direction of Civil Judge Central, Tis  Hazari Court vide order dated 30.08.2016. The complainant inter-alia alleged harassment  by Dr. S.P. Jayant,  Medical Superintendent of the Hospital and Sh. Ram Iqbal chowkidar. The complainant also alleged that they have been indulging in various corrupt activities and requested to take action against them and  relief  for himself. 

2.         The complaint was taken up with the respondent who submitted his reply and denied any harassment  to the complainant. The respondent also submitted that the PCO was sealed as the complainant started using the site for selling eatable goods in the PCO. Further,  a Civil Suit filed by the complainant is pending adjudication in the court of Sh. Anubhav Jain, Civil Judge who had directed to remove the locks and de-seal the PCO which was compiled with. Therefore the proceedings before the Commissioner for persons with disabilities should be dropped.

3.         After hearing the parties and submission of the copy of the order dated 30.08.2014 of Tis Hazari Court in Suit no. - 690/14 and other relating documents,  the then Commissioner for persons with disabilities adjourned the case sine-die on 30.11.2015.

4.         On perusal of the record in the case file, it is observed that the complainant has not submitted any rejoinder/comments on the reply of respondent  though he was advised to do so vide letter dated 01.05.2015.  The complainant has not approached this office thereafter. It is also observed that the matter in the Tis Hazaari Court was listed for cross examination on 18.05.2015.

5.         In the light of the fact that the matter is already before the Hon’ble Civil Judge, Tis Hazari Court,  the complaint in this court is closed. The respondent shall ensure that the complainant is not harassed by the hospital authorities on ground of his disability. With regard to the issue of selling eatables from the premises of the PCO booth,  the attention of the parties is drawn to the following observation of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Maharashtra Ekta Hawkers Union & anr V/s Municipal Corporation & Ors greater Mumbai in Civil appeal no. 4156-4157 of 2002;

            “Physically challenged who were allowed to operate PCO’s in terms of judgement reported in (2009) 17 SCC 231 shall be allowed to continue to run their stall and sell other goods because running of PCO’s is no longer viable. Those who were allowed to run Aarey/Sarita shall be allowed to continue to operate their stalls”.

6.         This observation has also been quoted in the order dated 30.08.2014 passed by Civil Judge, Central, Tis Hazari Court.

The matter is disposed of accordingly

          Given under my hand and the seal of the court this 05th day of June,  2017.

 State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Suo Motu Vs. Dte of Education | Case No. 4/1424/2016-Wel/CD/ 635-644 | Dated: 05.06.2017

Case Summary:

Accessibility in Schools : Court took suo-motu cognizance of a complaint submitted by email highlighting accessibility issues in government schools of Delhi-NCT, and asked respondents to submit comments and status of accessibility in schools. The respondents submitted their assessments, but the Court rules that the information made available to it was not adequate to assess the status of barrier free access.

Recommendations: Court advised that accessibility audits should be done as per prescribed guidelines under SSA or IEDSS and submitted to the Court as well as all relevant authorities for monitoring of action plans. Court also advised that the Directorate of Education may prepare a concise handbook detailing these standards, for the reference of the schools. The audits should be done by teams of trained experts comprising of wheelchair user, person with visual/hearing impairment and an Architect or Civil Engineer, and necessary modifications are to be done as per this audit. Secretary, PWD to issue necessary directions to concerned engineers/architects on the matter. All schools including private schools are to undergo accessibility modifications as per the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016.

Rules/Acts/Orders:  Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1424/2016-Wel/CD/ 635-644                                    Dated: 05.06.2017
In the matter of:

Suo-Motu                                                                                          .……… Complainant      
The Director,
Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat,
New Delhi-110054.                                                              …...…Respondent No.1

The Commissioner,               
North Delhi Municipal Corporation,
4th Floor, Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre,
J.L.N. Marg, New Delhi-110002.                                            ...........Respondent No.2
The Commissioner,               
East Delhi Municipal Corporation,
419, Udyog Sadan, Patparganj         
Industrial Area, Delhi-110096.                                                ........Respondent No.3.

The Commissioner,
South Delhi Municipal Corpn.,
9th Floor, Dr. SPM Civic Centre,
J.L.N. Marg, New Delhi-110002.                                             .......Respondent No.4

The Chairperson,
New Delhi Municipal Council,
Palika Kendra, Parliament Street,
New Delhi-110001.                                                                  ........Respondent No.5

Case No. 4/1067/2015-Wel/CD   
In the matter of :

Sh. Diwakar Pathak                                                             ........ Complainant
128, D-Block,
Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi-110089
The Director,
Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat,
New Delhi-110054.                                                             …...…Respondent

Date of hearing:            22.05.2017
Present                      Sh. A.K. Goel, Dy.Director, Sh. V.P. Singh, OSD(L&E) and Dr. Mukesh Chand, DEO/OSD(IEDSS) on behalf of Respondent No.1.

 1                  Sh. Brajesh Kumar vide an email dated 26.09.2016 highlighted certain issues relating to barrier free access for persons with disabilities in the Govt. schools of NCT of Delhi without mentioning his address.   He also drew the attention of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities to  case No. 4/1065/2015-Wel/CD filed by Sh. Diwakar Pathak regarding issues concerning persons with disabilities in Govt. Boys Sr. Secondary School, Badli. 

2.               Taking Suo-Motu cognizance of the said email, the matter was taken up with the Commissioners of North Delhi Municipal Corporation, South Delhi Municipal Corporation, East Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi Municipal Council and Directorate of Education vide communication dated 07.10.2016.  The respondents were advised to submit their comments and the status with regard to disabled friendly environment in the schools under their control. 

3.               New Delhi Municipal Council vide letter dated 14.12.2016 submitted a detailed chart indicating the status of various facilities in its 50 schools which indicates that not all the facilities as prescribed are available in all the schools. 

4.               South Delhi Municipal Corporation vide letter dated 15.12.2016 intimated that out of  21 of its 581 schools have ramps and western commode seats for children with special needs toilets and schools, 21 were under construction.  They also informed that the Special Assessment Camps are being organised every year, Special Educators are available to attend the children with special needs and  provision of  equipment and materials are ensured.  In the year 2016-17, para sports were introduced for children with special needs and competitions were organised at zonal level.

5.               The East Delhi Municipal Corporation also informed vide letter 01.12.2016   that in most of its schools ramps and other facilities are being provided.

6.               As the information from Directorate of Education had not  been received, a hearing was scheduled on 25.04.2017 and another hearing was held on 22.05.2017.

7.               On 22.05.2017, the representatives of the respondent submitted a written statement dated 19.05.2017 of Special Director (Education), as per which Govt. of NCT of Delhi is currently running 1029 Govt. Schools functioning from 729 buildings (in morning and evening shifts).  48 buildings do not have ramps and 39 are lacking in disabled friendly toilets. The Public Works Department has already provided the list of those schools for construction of ramps and toilets in the said schools.  All the Head of Schools have also been directed to ensure the provisions of accessibility facilities like hand rails, grab bars sitting arrangements, lighting etc.

8.               In the email dated 26.09.2016, it was also pointed out that some of the issues raised by Sh. Diwakar Pathak in case No. 4/1067/2015-Wel-CD remained unresolved.  In that complaint Sh. Diwakar Pathak had brought out various issues inter-alia concerning the physical accessibility of the Govt. Boys Senior Secondary School (GBSSS) Badli.  On 19.07.2016, Shri Diwakar Pathak submitted a written statement to the effect that the facilities of modified toilets, etc. ramps had been provided to persons with disabilities in the school and he was thankful for the facilities and sensitivity to persons with disabilities.  Vice-Principal of the school also submitted the action taken report on providing access for students of different classes and Special Educators.  An inspection of the Govt. Boys Senior Secondary School, Badli was carried out on 04.05.2017 through the Welfare Officers of the Office of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities. As per their report some of the facilities  like..... are not according to the prescribed standards. 

9.               The information that has been made available at this stage is not adequate to assess the status of barrier free access to the physical environment in the Govt. schools of the national capital.  For a better appreciation,  accessibility audit of atleast a sample school across the national capital territory under the control of the Government and the local authorities should be done The access audits should be done with reference to the prescribed guidelines under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) / Inclusive Education for the Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS). The standards for various components such as ramps, hand rails, doors, door handles, water taps, toilets, sitting and lighting arrangements, placement of the black board, position of electric panels, access to library, laboratory, assembly place / auditorium etc. prescribed by Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India in their publication of February, 2016 entitled ‘Harmonised Guidelines for Space Standards for Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons with Disability and Elderly Persons’.

10.             Ministry of Human Resource Development have uploaded the guidelines for barrier free access to children with special needs to physical environment as well as to curriculum, teaching learning, process under SSA.  Those guidelines also contain disability category specific guidelines.  The general guidelines with regard to access to  physical environment for example, are as under:-
      ·         The path from the gate to the school buildings and playground must be clear levelled.·         All entrances and doorways in the school buildings should be between minimum 4’ to 5’ feet wide.·         The toilet inside the school should be accessible to CWSN. The toilet should be fitted with commode and grab-rails.·         The drinking water outlet should be accessible to CWSN also avoid sharp turns in the walkways. ·         The walkway must be clear of any hung and protruding obstructions such aswindows, lights, low branches, flower pots and sign posts etc.·         A handrail should be provided at any dangerous point in the walkway.  Guardrails and kerbs are a must in situations where there is a sudden change in the level of height including stairs and verandah.   ·         The ends of the handrails should be bent downwards to avoid injury.·         Steps should be of equal and even heights.·         Bright colours (preferably yellow) should be used at every change in slope, at the beginning and ending of a staircase for easy recognition.·         All signages should be in print, visuals and Braille at the readable height (min 3 ft) of the children. ·         All the surfaces should be non-slip, and loose gravel or cobbles should be avoided.·         Natural lighting should be optimized.  There should be enough windows to allow adequate ventilation and lighting. ·         Safety of all children should be ensured by provision of hazard free environment (broken window panes, broken steps, broken fixture and furniture, unsafe ceilings, etc).·         The school/ classroom design should allow the teacher to be able to pay personal attention to the child, including effective positioning and placement, keeping in mind the individual needs of CWSN.

11.             The above guidelines can be accessed from the link ssa/ Pdf/act..../file.

12.             It appears that the above guidelines were framed much before the guidelines of February 2016 published by the Ministry of Urban Development. Therefore, it is recommended that the Directorate of Education may prepare a concise Hand Book of barrier free access guidelines containing the essential components for barrier free access to children with special needs indicating their measurements where required, in accordance with the standards prescribed by  Ministry of Urban Development.  The Hand Book should  be available in  every school and its library so that any construction or retro-fitting that is  undertaken by any agency within the school premises complies with the prescribed guidelines and standards under the close supervision of the concerned Principal/HOS who should also be made accountable alongwith the construction agency. Compliance with the guidelines and standards should be part of construction process and be linked to certificate of completion of the work and payment thereof.

13.             In the light of the position brought out above, the following recommendations are made:-
(i)               Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi should  develop a Hand Book of barrier free access for children with special needs to schools detailed in Para 12 above and make it available to all its HOS and the libraries.  A ready to print soft copy of the Hand Book may be provided to all the private schools under Directorate of Education, GNCTD and Commissioners of the three Municipal Corporations in Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Council and C.E.O of Delhi Cantonment Board for printing and use in their respective schools.
(ii)              Directorate of Education and all the other authorities, private schools mentioned in sub-para (i), should conduct accessibility audit of some of their schools in each zone as sample including the GBSSS, Badli through the Accessibility Audit Teams comprising of trained experts, preferably a wheel chair user, a person with visual /hearing impairment, an architect or civil engineer within three months from the date of receipt of this order.
(iii)             Based on an objective analysis of the access audit reports, get the necessary modifications and retro-fittings done  in the audited schools which can serve as model barrier free school for replication or even training.
(iv)             Modify rest of the schools including the school that fall under the definition of a school in terms of Section 2(n) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 under each authority in the GNCTD including private schools as per an action plan for each school agreed to by the concerned authority. Section 16(ii) and (iii) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which has come into force w.e.f. 19.04.2017 also mandates that all educational institutions funded and recognised by the appropriate government and local authorities shall make buildings, campus and various facilities accessible and provide reasonable accommodation according to the individuals requirements.
(v)              The soft copies of the access audit reports referred to the sub-para (ii) above and the action plan for modification of the schools under Directorate of Education, GNCTD, South Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation,  East Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi Municipal Council and Delhi Cantonment Board be submitted to this Court as soon as these  are ready so that the implementation of the action plans can be monitored.

14.             As the representatives of the respondent informed during the hearing on 22.05.2017 that the construction work of new schools, renovation / retro-fittings  etc. are carried  out through the Public Works Department, GNCT of Delhi, DTTDC and Irrigation and Flood Control Department etc.  Copy of this order is being forwarded to the Secretary, PWD, Chairman, DTTDC and Chief Engineer, Irrigation and Flood Control Deptt.

 15.            Secretary, PWD is requested to issue necessary directions to concerned authorities for deputing the concerned engineers /architects for the purpose of carrying out the accessibility audit of the schools.

                   The matter is disposed of accordingly.

                  Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 05th day of June, 2017.     

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dr. Satendra Singh Vs. Chief Engineer PWD & Anr | Case No. 4/1039/2015-Wel./CD/ 625-627 | Dated: 31.05.2017

Case Summary:

Accessibility: Complainant brought to notice certain deficiencies in accessibility in GTB hospital, and that no action has been taken despite his complaints to various authorities. Following communications with Respondent No. 2 beginning on 22.07.2015, the Respondent submitted that alterations and solutions were being made to all of the deficiencies pointed out by the Complainant. Complainant on 03.08.15 informed that he had not gotten any updates on his case. On 26.08.16 Respondents submitted that the work on the life was ongoing and that the work on making the toilets more accessible has already been completed.

Recommendations: Court noted that the Complainant has been asking for basic accessibility features in the hospital since 2012 and that it should have received serious attention much sooner. Respondent No. 1 is advised to complete left installation within 3 months of order receipt. Respondent No. 2 is advised to conduct an accessibility audit of the hospital and facilities and submit the report to the court within one month of the order, and take action to implement audit recommendations within three months thereafter.

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1039/2015-Wel./CD/ 625-627                                   Dated: 31.05.2017

In the matter of:

Dr. Satendra Singh,
Coordinator Enabling Unit,
University of Delhi,
Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital,
New Delhi-110095.                                                                            .……… Complainant     

The Chief Engineer (Health Maintenance Zone)
Public Works Department,
GNCT of Delhi,
2nd Floor, MSO Building ,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002.                                               …...…Respondent No.1.

The Medical Superintendent,
G.T. B. Hospital, Dilshad Garden,
Delhi-110095.                                                                  ........................Respondent No.2

Date of hearing:            29.05.2017         

Present:                          None for Complainant and Respondent No. 2.
Sh.Pradeep Sabharwal, Asstt. Engineer (Elect.) & Sh. A.K. Jain, Asstt. Engineer(Civil) on behalf of respondent No.1.


                  Dr. Satendra Singh, Asstt. Professor of Physiology, UCMS & GTB Hospital, University College of Medical Sciences & Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital (GTBH) who is also a Coordinator, Enabling Unit, EOC & Chairman, Equality and Diversity Committee brought out the following issues vide his complaint dated 1st July, 2015:
(i)               The Conference Hall of GTB Hospital  which also has library on first floor and Medical Education Unit on second floor, is inaccessible as there is no lift.(ii)              Canara Bank Branch and Post Office of GTB Hospital are on the first floor, which are not accessible to persons with disabilities, elderly and pregnant women.
(iii)             Toilets in Conference Hall need to be made accessible and some toilets need grab bars and to be made wheel chair user friendly.
2.               Dr. Satendra Singh, who himself is a person with locomotor disability further submitted that he has written countless letters to various authorities including Health Minister in his capacity as Coordinator  of the Disability Unit but nothing has happened.

3.               The complaint was taken up with the Medical Superintendent, GTB Hospital vide communication dated 22.07.2015 followed by a number of communications.  Whereafter, the case was scheduled for hearing on 09.11.2015.  Medical Superintendent, GTB Hospital vide letter dated 04.11.2015 informed that the administrative approval and expenditure sanction for providing a lift at the library had been approved on 24.07.2015 and the tender process has been started by the Public Works Department (PWD).  The preliminary estimate for one Hydraulic lift for persons with disabilities at Canara Bank and the Post Office has also been sanctioned.  The work of renovation of toilets and library block at each floor of Conference Hall are also being made accessible for persons with disabilities including wheel chair users. Work is likely to be completed by the end of 2015.  He also informed that the Grab bars have been fixed in the toilets in the college building.

4.               The complainant vide his email dated 3rd August, 2015 informed that he had not got any update for his cases and requested that the proceedings may be resumed in this case and the other two cases bearing No. 4/967/2015 - Dr. Satendra Singh Vs DDCA on inaccessible Kotla Stadium and Case No.4/838/2014 Dr. Satendra Singh Vs IT and Health Deptt. on inaccessible websites of hospital of Delhi. This Court sought the status from the respondent who submitted the following information vide letter dated 26.08.2016 :
(i)               The status with regard to installation of the lift was as intimated vide letter dated 04.11.2015.
(ii)              There was a need to shift the Medical Education Unit on the 2nd Floor of Library Block in order to construct the lift.
5.              The status report dated 06.01.2017 signed of Chief Engineer, HMZ, PWD informed that the work for ‘Providing the structure for lift for Barrier free building under scheme for implementation of persons with disabilities Act (SIPDA) for UCMS Library Building and Canara Bank in GTB Hospital, Shahdara, Delhi have been awarded vide No. 54 (807)/BPD B-221(N) 2016-17/753 dated 08.11.2016 (Civil).  The work of lift installation for persons with disabilities has been awarded vide No. 54(91)/2015-16/764 dated 14.03.2016 (Electrical) and execution of work is in progress and likely to be installed by 30.10.2017.

6.               On 29.05.2017, the representatives of Chief Engineer, Health Maintenance Zone(HMZ) informed that the work relating to the installation of the lifts is under progress as scheduled.  The Department is taking all steps to complete the work as soon as possible. Rest of the works like renovation of toilets, making them disabled friendly, etc. have already been completed. 

7.               As the complainant has been asking for basic accessibility features in the hospital since  2012, the same should have received a more serious attention of the concerned authorities and the action to make the provisions more expeditiously should have been taken by all concerned.    As the Civil work has been completed and only installation of the lifts for which order has already been placed, remains respondent No. 1 is advised to complete the installation of the lifts within three months from the date of receipt of this order and inform this Court as required under Section 81 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2016.
8.               Respondent No. 2, i.e. Medical Superintendent, GTB Hospital is advised to conduct an accessibility audit of the hospital and the other facilities in the hospital, residential area, etc. through an Access Audit Team comprising of trained experts, a Civil Engineer / Architect who should submit the access audit report within one month from the date of receipt of this order and take appropriate action to implement the recommendations of access audit team within three months thereafter and submit the report to this Court.

           The matter is disposed of accordingly.

           Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 31st  day of May,2017.     

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
                                             State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities