Saturday, December 9, 2017

Ravindra Mohan Gupta Vs. Dte of Social Welfare | Case No. 4/1605/2017-Wel/CD/3318-19 | Dated: 08.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1605/2017-Wel/CD/3318-19            Dated: 08.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Ravindra Mohan Gupta,
Secretary, Association of Ex.Student of Lady Noyce Deaf School,
Flat No. 4/20, Starlite Apartment,
Sector-14 Extnsion, Near Rohini Court,
Rohini, New Delhi-110085.                            .……… Complainant     

The Director,
Directorate of Social Welfare
Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate,
New Delhi-110002.                                           …...…Respondent

Date of hearing:     23.10.2017, 05.12.2017
Present                   Sh. Ravindra Mohan Gupta,   Complainant.
Sh. Rukhsar Ahmad Khan, Assistant Director, Estate on behalf of Respondent.


          The above named complainant vide his complaint dated 13.01.2017 received through the Court of Chief Commissioner for the Persons with Disabilities vide their letter dated 28.04.2017 submitted that the respondent Department had not vacated the premises of Lady Noyce School for the Deaf, Delhi Gate despite the fact that the Court of Chief Commissioner had forwarded their earlier representations dated 16.05.2013 and 10.06.2013 to the Social Welfare Department.  They had also not received any comments/response/information and therefore, the complainant requested to take strong steps to remove the unauthorised occupation. 

2.      The complaint was taken up vide communication dated 31.05.2017 with the respondent who vide letter dated 21.06.2017 submitted as under:

“The Department of Social Welfare has been making its sincere efforts towards amelioration of downtrodden and marginalized section of society through various institutions, scheme and services.  Persons affected with Deafness are always on priority and therefore for their specific needs following institutions have been established by the Department-

          Details of School/Institution established by the Department of Social Welfare for Deaf:

Sl. No.
Name of the School Institutions with year of establishment
Sanctioned Capacity
If transferred or relocated to new location than date and address
GLNS for Deaf
Primary & Pre Primary School classes transferred to Nehru Vihar Delhi-54 on dated 16.07.2011
NPS for Deaf
Transferred from GLNS to Mayur Vihar Phase-I in the year 2002
School for Mentally Retarded Children 1981
Transferred from GLNS to Mayur Vihar Phase-I in the year 2002
NPS for Deaf, Kalkaji 1987

Govt. NPS for Deaf(Sewa Kutir) 1987
Transferred from Sewa Kutir to Rohini on dated 23.04.2001
NPS for Deaf Nehru Vihar transferred from GLNS on 16.07.2011
Primary & Pre Primary School classes transferred from GLNS to Nehru Vihar, Delhi-54 on dated 16.07.2011

          It is quite evident from the above information that the Govt. Lady Noyce School for the Deaf was established with separate Hostel facilities or Boys and Girls in the year 1959 with the capacity of 550 students.  Further in the year 1981 Nursery Primary School for Deaf and School for Mentally Retarded Children were started in the GLNS Complex.

Alleging that Department of Social Welfare has occupied the GLNS building at Delhi Gate is not correct.  It will be surely appreciated that Govt. Lady Noyce School is not a separate entity but a part of Department of Social Welfare.  Department is very sensitive and do understand the specific needs of Deaf and therefore for smooth functioning of Govt. Lady Noyce School, department has established aforesaid schools at different locations for the convenience of deaf children so that they should not commute long distance.”

3.      The matter was thereafter heard on 23.10.2017.  During the hearing, the complainant vehemently contented that the premises of the Govt. Lady Noyce School, GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate belongs to the school and not to the Social Welfare Department.  Some of the reasons why the Social Welfare Department should shift from the said premises, as highlighted by him, are as under:-

(i)      Occupation of a substantial area by the Social Welfare Department leaves little space for the students with hearing impairment for classes, play and other extra-curricular activities.  The school is forced to teach 45-50 students in one class while the prescribed pupil - teacher ratio should be 8 to 1.
(ii)     Because of the movement of visitors/officials in the Office of Social Welfare Department, there are issues of security.  It also distracts the attention of the students from studies. 
(iii)        The ambience of the school environment itself gets destroyed because of the presence of large number of persons and activities in the office premises. 
(iv)   The academic and life skills learning of the children with hearing impairment who have been shifted to Nehru Vihar gets affected adversely.

4.      The Principal of the school also supported the above grounds for shifting the Social Welfare Department from the GLNS Complex.

5.        The complainant further submitted  that the Department has been promising to vacate the premises for many years but they have neither been given any assurance in writing nor the premises has been vacated.  This, according to him, has infringed the rights of children with hearing impairment for whom the said land and building was donated by Lady Noyce.

6.      Department of Social Welfare was advised to find a solution to the issue keeping in mind the needs and  rights of children with hearing impairment for whom  the institution has been set up and a report be submitted by 30.11.2017.

7.      On the next date of hearing on 05.12.2017, a copy of the letter dated 22.11.2017 submitted by Dy. Director (Estate), Department of Social Welfare was handed over to the complainant to enable him to respond.  The contents of the said letter are identical to the letter dated 16.02.2017 addressed to the complainant and the letter dated 21.06.2017 addressed to this court.  The respondent Department has contended that Govt. Lady Noyce School is not a separate entity but a part of Social Welfare Department and that the Department is very sensitive and does understand specific needs of persons with deafness.  It has further been stated that other issues mentioned in the Record of Proceedings dated 23.10.2017 are administrative in nature and are being considered at administrative level in the Social Welfare Department. 

8.      The representative of the respondent explained the process of allotment of land in Delhi and stated that Social Welfare Department does not have its own land pool.

9.      The complainant reiterated his written submissions as summarised in the Record of Proceedings dated 27.10.2017.  He strongly felt that the presence of the offices of Social Welfare Department within the Campus of the school does affect the academic environment which should be appreciated in the right perspective by the concerned authorities.  Similarly, the distance that the children need to travel to Nehru Vihar from the hostel at Delhi Gate also adversely effects the education of the smaller children of primary section. 

10.    The complainant reiterated that the land was donated by Lady Noyce for education of children with deafness and not for using it for any other purpose much less for setting up the administrative offices.  Therefore, such an arrangement should not be allowed to continue for indefinite period.  He believes that the suggestion to shift the Social Welfare Department to Nehru Vihar building and to shift the deaf children to Govt. Lady Noyce School, Delhi Gate is the most practical solution in the current circumstances where, as per the Department, it does not have any other space/building to shift.  He however, mentioned that 1 Canning Lane, from where the Department of Social Welfare was earlier functioning, would be more appropriate and convenient, as it is centrally located.  At this point the representation of the respondent clarified that the premises at 1 Canning Lane is presently occupied by Women and Child Department and it does not belong to Social Welfare Department. 

11.    When the complainant was asked whether he/the organisation ever approached the concerned authorities such as Secretary/Director, Social Welfare, he stated that he and other representatives of the organisation did meet various functionaries of the Department but it has always been a problem understanding the conversation due to unavailability of Sign Language Interpreter during the meetings.   

12.    In the facts and circumstances of this case and upon going through the submissions of the parties.  It is felt that the issues concerning the quality education of children with deafness in a mixed environment need to be addressed professionally and urgently.  The issues pertaining to teacher pupil ratio, the commuting distance impacting the education and well being of young children, congenial learning environment in the school should be addressed and decided by the Department of Social Welfare on the recommendation of an expert committee comprising at least three professionals in education of children with hearing impairment.  One of the expert professionals should be the nominee of Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and none of the Committee members should be a member/employee of an organisation that is in receipt of any grant-in-aid from Social Welfare Department.  While giving its recommendations, the Committee shall ensure that interests of the children and their education remain paramount.  The decision taken in the matter be intimated to this Court within 3 months from the date of receipt of this order under intimation to the complainant as required u/s. 81 of the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. 

13.    As regards the allegation of illegal occupation of the premises by the Department, the complainant has not submitted any supporting documents.  In any case, State Commissioner is not the appropriate forum for resolution of such matter.

14.    Although it is not the subject matter of this complainant, it will be in the fitness of things for me to take note of the statement of the complainant during the course of hearing about the difficulty he faced in communicating with the officials in the absence of Sign Language Interpreters.  I, therefore, advise the respondent Department to ensure availability of sign language interpreter whenever there is a meeting, conference, workshop, training in which persons with deafness are the participants.  It is also recommended that a pool of Sign Language Interpreters be created whose contact details should be available in the website of the Department to facilitate availing of their services as and when required.  Appropriate directions should also be issued to all the Departments/ Organisations/ local bodies in the NCT of Delhi to ensure Sign Language Interpretation services in all the meetings, conferences, workshops, training which are attended by persons with hearing impairment and at Reception Counters etc.  Assistance of Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre functioning under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of India may be sought, if necessary.  Action taken in this regard also be intimated to this Court within 3 months of receipt of this order. 

13.       The complaint is disposed off accordingly

14.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 8th day of December, 2017.                                     

                                                                                       (T.D. Dhariyal)
                 State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Friday, December 8, 2017

Kaptan Singh Vs. Delhi Transport Corporation | Case No. 4/1743/2017-Wel./CD/3296-97 | Dated: 07.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1743/2017-Wel./CD/3296-97                                    Dated: 07.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Kaptan Singh,
S/o Ram Chander Singh,
B-2/208, Nand Nagari,
Delhi-110094.                                                                               .……… Complainant     

The Chairman,
Delhi Transport Corporation,
I.P. Estate, Delhi-110002.                                                              …...…Respondent

                  The above named complainant,  a person with 80% locomotor disability vide his e-mail dated 20.09.2017, informed that he is working at Nand Nagri DTC Depot.  He alleged that his  I.D. Card was spoiled few days ago and he requested for issuing him new I.D. Card,  which was refused.  He also alleged that the employees of the office often harass and intimidate him.  The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide Notice dated 25.09.2017. 

2.               The Depot Manager vide his letter dated 16.10.2017 informed that the Department has taken appropriate action against the erring staff and the complainant has been informed.  A copy of the advice given to the concerned officers namely Asstt. Manager(Admn.), Incharge (Livery) and other employees issued on 04.10.2017 has also been enclosed with the reply. In light of this, the complaint is disposed of.

          Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 7th day of December, 2017.     

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
                                             State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Neetu Kapoor Vs. Dte of Education | Case No. 4/1070/2015-Wel//CD/3289-90 | Dated:07.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1070/2015-Wel//CD/3289-90                                    Dated:07.12.2017

In the matter of:

Ms. Neetu Kapoor,
Prag3tikapur                                                                      .……… Complainant     


Directorate of Education,
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Old Sectt., Delhi.                                                                                 …...…Respondent

                  A complaint dated 27.07.2015 of Ms. Neetu Kapoor was received through email dated 31.07.2015 of Ms. Suvarna Raj, a social worker. The complainant submitted that her 12 year old son Krrish Kapoor has 75% vision impairment and she wants to enroll him to St. Xavier’ School. She tried her best but the school authorities refused admission saying that there was no vacancy.  She also stated that reservation of  3% seats for persons with disabilities as per the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 was not being provided. 

2.               The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 07.08.2015 followed by reminders and a hearing on 26.11.2015. However, neither the complainant nor the respondent appeared.

3.               On perusal of the record in the case file, it is seen that Special Director(Education), HQ had been asking the Dy. Director(Education), District North to take appropriate action as the matter pertains to them.  However, no response was ever received.
4.               As the case is pending for more than two years and there was no correspondence whatsoever either from complainant or from Ms. Suvarna Raj who forwarded the complaint, the complainant was contacted on her given number (9136265433) which  is not recognized. Ms. Suvarna Raj was also contacted and was advised to intimate the status if any known to her or advise the complainant to get in touch with this Court. However, despite lapse of sufficient time neither of them has reverted.  In view of this, the complaint is closed.

4.         Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 07th   day of December, 2017.     

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
                                        State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Friday, December 1, 2017

Chaman Lal Vs. Dy Director Disabilities, Deptt of Social Welfare | Case No. 4/1336/2016/D/3172-73 | Dated: 30.11.2017

In the Court of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-23216002-04, Telefax: 23216005
[Vested with power of Civil Court under the Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995]

Case No. 4/1336/2016/D/3172-73                                                Dated: 30.11.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Chaman Lal,
H.No. 448, Jwala Nagar
Shahdara, New Delhi -110032                                        …………….... Petitioner     
The Deputy Director (Disabilities)
Department of Social Welfare,
Government of NCT of Delhi
GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate
New Delhi-110002                                                             ……...…Respondent
Date of hearing:

                  The above named complainant Sh. Chaman Lal, a person with 80 % Locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 06.07.2016 submitted that he is about 63 years of age and he is higher secondary pass.  He applied for various jobs but is unemployed.  He had not being receiving pension for persons with disabilities for last 3 years.  He further stated that his wife was also a person with 75% disabilities and was not getting disability pension.  The complainant requested that he be granted disability pension. 

2.  The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 05.09.2016, 10.10.2016 and 15.11.2016 followed by a hearing on 28.12.2016.

3.   The respondent vide letter dated 20.12.2016 informed that Department of Social Welfare, Government of Delhi is running financial assistance scheme to persons with special needs.  Under the scheme, an assistance of Rs. 1500/- is provided to persons with disabilities between the age 0-60 years.  As the complainant was 63 years of age, he was not eligible to avail the benefit under that scheme.  However under the old age pension scheme, an assistance of Rs. 1000/- per month (60-69) and Rs. 1500/- per month (70 years and above) was provided to senior citizens above 60 years of age who are resident of Delhi for 5 years having income less than Rs. 60000/- per annum. 

4.   Respondent further submitted that on scrutiny of the old age pension record, the complainant was already getting the benefit under the old age pension scheme @ Rs. 1000/- per annum which was being remitted regularly to his savings account Number 02552011025926 in Oriental Bank of Commerce, Shahdara.  The last payment was released on 14.12.2016.  As the complainant was availing old age pension he was not eligible for other pension. 

5. In view of the fact that the complainant was getting old age pension, in accordance with the scheme he cannot get the disability pension besides, the complainant has not pursued the matte.  The complaint is closed and disposed off accordingly.

Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, November 30, 2017

R.K. Sharma Vs. Secretary, Public Works Department | Case No. 4/837/2014-Wel./CD/3164-65 | Dated:29.11.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]
Case No. 4/837/2014-Wel./CD/3164-65                            Dated:29.11.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. R.K. Sharma
C-682, Delhi Administration Flats,
Timarpur, Delhi-110054.                              ................ Petitioner

Public Works Department,
Delhi Secretariat,
Delhi.                                                           ………...…Respondent


            The above named complainant, who claimed to be a person with 80% loco-motor disability (above knee (R) amputation), vide his complaint dated 09.01.2014 received through the Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities on 30.12.2014, submitted that he was working as Accounts Officer in Govt. of NCT of Delhi.  He was allotted a Type –III accommodation C-682, Delhi Administration Flats, Timarpur.  The said flat did not meet basic requirements which are necessary for an ambulated person with disability.  Referring to the provisions of the Persons with Disability Act, 1995, the CPWD guidelines etc., the complainant requested for the following:-

(i)           That the work aforesaid i.e. covering of Entrance Gate of C-682 by Acrylic sheet etc. and changing of door and W.C. alternatively construction of a separate Toilet in the vacant land may kindly be got done on urgent basis out of its own fund for maintenance of Building in pursuant to the guidelines issued by Central Public Works Department, Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and in compliance of provisions of Section 44, 45 and 46 of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.  The shed by Acrylic Sheet is most urgent as it is continuously leading my life and limb to dangerous position and anything can happen anytime, thus, the same may be carried out on priority basis.
(ii)          That, if the PWD is in short of funds under Maintenance of Building Head to carry out the said work, though it is mandatory on the part of the PWD to carry out the said work out of its own fund, the PWD may ask for the same so from the undersigned and the undersigned may deposit the amount with PWD and the work may be got done by PWD in accordance with the provisions contained under O.M. dated 10.08.2007 issued by Dy. Secretary, PWD, GNCT of Delhi on urgent basis please as the life and limb of the undersigned and family members is at stake all the time.
(iii)        That, if the PWD is not in a condition to carry out the said work out of its own fund, the undersigned will have no option except to get the work done out of his own pocket in order to save the life, limb and personal property of the undersigned and his family member and thus it is requested that the work may be got done within the reasonable period of time of one month from the receipt of this request i.e. by 10.02.2014 failing which it will be reasonably presumed that the PWD does not have fund or is not willing to comply with the statutory provisions and guidelines issued by the Authorities in this behalf and the undersigned shall got the same done purely in the interest of his life, limb and personal property.

2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 31.12.2014 and was thereafter heard on 20.01.2015 and 07.04.2015.

3.      The respondent vide reply dated 20.01.2015 and 27.03.2015 inter alia submitted that the complainant had himself requested that either this modification may be done by PWD out of Govt. funds or alternatively he would be constrained to do the same out of his own pocket to make the flat barrier free.  It has further been stated that respondent did not office did not have funds during the financial year 2013-14, therefore, the complainant was informed on 15.01.2014 and advised to get necessary modifications done as per guidelines out of his own pocket.  The complainant carried out the modifications.  Namely, fixing the gate of wash room/toilet from outward, providing European style WC in the washroom, providing acrylic sheet on the entrance gate of the flat and fencing around the flat including electrical feeders, out of his own pocket, Therefore, respondent contended that the grievance of the petitioner had been resolved.

In the letter dated 27.03.2015, the respondent stated that a meeting was held on 24.02.2015 by Spl. Secretary, PWD with the Supdt. Engineers of various Delhi Government Colonies to discuss the matter of additions/alterations by allottees of Govt. flats.  In the meeting, the case of the complainant who had been issued notice was also discussed.  However, the action on the notice issued to the complainant was kept in abeyance as per the directions of this Court.  As per the minutes of the meeting on 24.02.2015 on the direction of this Court for withdrawal of notice issued to the allottees with disabilities on ground floor flats, it has been mentioned that as far as the case of Sh. R.K. Sharma was concerned, the same was also required examination to see the extent of construction/addition done by him so that only those additions facilitating him in barrier free movement should be permitted.  The concerned SE was advised to examine the case and take action so that all necessities and conditions as per the Disability Act were fulfilled.  In case of non disable persons, permission, if any should be given on case to case basis as per situation. 

4.      As the complainant did not pursue the matter this court tried to contact him on his given telephone No. (8750196282), but the same was switched off.  Even on the date of writing this order (28.11.2017), the telephone was switched off.  In view of this, the complainant is closed and disposed off.  If the complainant faces any harassment in violation of the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 or the Rules or Regulations made thereunder, he may file a fresh complaint. 

5.      Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 29th day of November, 2017.     

(T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Priya Varadan Vs. Commissioner, SDMC | Case No. 4/842/2014-Wel/CD/ 3145-47 | Dated: 28.11.2017

                    In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25-D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi -02
(Ph. 011-23216002-04 Fax: 011-23216005
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the Rights of Persons with disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/842/2014-Wel/CD/ 3145-47                                          Dated: 28.11.2017

In the matter of:

Smt. Priya Varadan
1, Gulmohar Enclave,
New Delhi-110049                                                                     ....................Petitioner           


The Commissioner,
South Delhi Municipal Corporation
Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre,
New Delhi-110002.                                                                     ...........Respondent  No.1

Sh. Mukesh  Khanna
President of Gulmohar Enclave Resident Association (GERA)
Flat No. 161, Gulmohar Enclave,
New Delhi-110049.                                                                    .............Respondent No.2

A Complaint dated 16.09.2014 was filed by Smt. Priya Varadan, a person with 60% disability (cerebral palsy with quadriplegia) requesting for a pathway measuring eight feet (8ft) from the approach of the house (wall) which will enable them to walk though and also call a car or an ambulance in time of emergency or necessity.

2.              The matter was taken up with Commissioner,  South DMC and President of Gulmohar Enclave Resident Association (GERA) on 08.12.2014 followed by reminders dated 23.12.14, 06.01.15 as no response was received from the respondents, hearings were held on 05.02.15, 05.03.15, 10.04.15, 11.05.15, 30.07.15, 02.09.15 and 18.11.15. The respondent informed that uneven portion immediately adjacent to the building had been done smooth with cement concrete for the convenience of the complainant. Further 8 feet wide area has been designated and provided for smooth flow of vehicles/ wheel chair in case of emergency. Photographs were also submitted. The complainant was contacted and she confirmed that the above work had been done. In view of this the complaint is disposed of.
                        Given under my hand and seal of the Court this 28th day of November’2017.

(T.D. Dhariyal)     
    State Commissioner for Persons with disabilities