Saturday, August 26, 2017

Balbir Sethi & 5 Others Vs. Principal Secretary, Health Department & 3 others | Case No. 4/1674/2017/Wel./CD/ 1616-1626 | Dated: 25.08.2017

Case Summary:

Balbir Sethi & 5 Others Vs. Health Department & Others

Disability Certificate: Complainants submitted they were struggling to get themselves or their children assessed for mental or neurological disorders from various Delhi hospitals. Hospitals cited the unavailability of neurologists to assess the disorders. Court asked them to look into possibilities of deputizing neurologists for the tasks, or co-opt them from the private sector.

During the course of the hearing, certificates started getting issued to the complainants. Court gave additional directions to enable people with such disorders to get adequate help.

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1674/2017/Wel./CD/ 1616-1626           Dated: 25.08.2017

In the matter of:

Sl. No.
Case No./Complainants







Case No. 4/1674/2017/Wel./CD/
Mr. Balbir Sethi
R/o 46/12, Ashok Nagar,
New Delhi-110078

Case No.4/1675/2017-Wel/CD/                  
Mr. Saksham Arora
S/o Ms. Meenu Arora
BA-316, Tagore Garden
New Delhi-110027     

Case No.4/1680/2017-Wel/CD/                  
Ms. Stuti Kapoor
D/o Ms. Simmi Kapoor
18/17, West Punjabi Bagh,
J.K. Kapoor, Gate No. 03,
Ground Floor, New Delhi-110027     

Case No.4/1682/2017-Wel/CD/                  
Mr. Rajesh Verma
F/o Mr. Nischal Verma

Case No.4/1683/2017-Wel/CD/         
Ms. Kavita
B2/16B, East Raza puri
Gali No-09, Uttam Nagar
New Delhi-110059     

Case No.4/1684/2017-Wel/CD

Smt. Neelam
R-Z-41B, Majhandra Park,
Phanka Road, Uttam Nagar,
The Pr. Secretary
Health Department,
Govt of NCT of Delhi
9th Level, A- Wing,
IP Extension,
Delhi Secretariat,
Delhi-110002                              …………..Respondent No-1

The Medical Superintendent
Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital
C- 28, Janakpuri,        
New Delhi-110058                         …………..Respondent No-2

The Medical Superintendent
IHBAS Hospital,
GNCT of Delhi,
Dilshad Garden
New Delhi-110095                                                      ....………..Respondent No-3

The Medical Superintendent
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital
Hari Nagar, Clock Tower,
New Delhi-110064

....………..Respondent No-4

Date of hearing: 11.08.2017
Present: Dr. B.K. Tyagi, AMS-II, JSSH, Dr. K.N. Mohan, S.M.O, DDU Hospital, Dr. Deepak Kumar, DMS, IHBAS, Deepak Singh, UDC, JSSH, Omprakash, Computer Asstt., IHBAS, Dr. A.K. Mishra, GB Pant.


The above mentioned six complainants vide their complaints under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Act, 2016, herein after referred to as the Act submitted that they have been struggling to get themselves/their children assessed for mental/neurological disorders and get disability certificates from Janakpuri Super Specialty Hospital and therefore, requested that they be issued the disability certificates at the earliest.

2.      In view of the common issues involved, all the complaints are being disposed off by a common order.

3.      Brief facts of each case are indicated as under:

(i).     Case No.4/1674/2017-Wel/CD

Sh. Balbir Sethi vide his email (complaint) dated 12.07.2017 submitted that he is facing enormous problems in getting Mental Disability Certificate of his child for last 7-8 months.  He visited Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital in January 2017 who referred his child to Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital(JSSH) in February 2017.  That Hospital did not issue the certificate due to non-availability of Neurologist in the Hospital.

(ii).     Case No.4/1675/2017-Wel/CD

Ms. Meenu Arora vide her complaint dated 17.07.2017 submitted that she had applied for disability certificate of her son on 22.05.2017 and visited Jankapuri Super Speciality Hospital.  They suggested her to apply at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital who said that they do not issue mental certificate for deficiencies. She again went to JSSH who referred her son to IHBAS. IHBAS refused to issue the certificate.
(iii).    Case No.4/1680/2017-Wel/CD

Ms. Simmi Kapoor vide her complaint dated 17.07.2017 submitted that her daughter is suffering from severe anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder for 10 years. She was advised to get mental illness certificate by the Equal Opportunity Cell Office of Delhi University for availing reservation in admission of her daughter.  She applied for the certificate in Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital on 22.05.2017. She was told that certificate for mental illness can be made only at IHBAS. After visiting IHBAS on 17.6.2017, she was told that certificates are issued zone wise and she should consult JSSH.  When she visited JSSH, she came to know that the said hospital is not issuing certificate since January 2017 due to unavailability of neurologist in the medical board and she was again referred to IHBAS for certificate. After showing refusal letter provided by JSSH in IHBAS, she was referred to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital (DDUH). At DDUH, Dr. Anuj Mittal, Head Psychiatrist told her that certificate for mental illness is not issued in that hospital and she was again referred to IHBAS with the refusal letter. She again applied for disability certificate of her daughter at IHBAS.  The documentation was completed on 12.07.2017. Since then, she has been requesting authorities of IHBAS to issue the certificate but neither they reverted back nor refused to issue certificate by saying that hospital does not fall under her zone. She is worried about her daughter as she is having more anxiety and pressure fearing dropping of one more year due to unavailability of documents for college admission on time.    

(iv).   Case No.4/1682/2017-Wel/CD

Sh. Rajesh Verma F/o master Nischal Verma vide his email dated 01.06.2017 submitted that he got an I.Q. test of his son conducted from IHBAS. He requested for a disability certificate. IHBAS advised him to get the certificate from his zonal hospital. He visited Deen Dayal Upadhayay Hospital, who asked him to go to Jankapuri Super Speciality Hospital. JSSHS informed him that there were no authorised doctors for signing the certificate.

(v)     Case No.4/1683/2017-Wel/CD

Brother of Ms. Kavita vide complaint dated 26.07.2017 on her behalf submitted that she had applied for disability certificate and visited Jankapuri Super Speciality Hospital who said that there was no Neurologist. Thereafter she went to DR. Ram Manhor Lohia Hospital and Safdarjung Hospital. They also refused and the JSSHS told her to get it done from the office Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

(vi).   Case No.4/1684/2017-Wel/CD

Smt. Neelam vide her complaint dated 26.07.2017 submitted that she is facing enormous problems in getting Mental Disability Certificate of her child.  She visited G.B. Pant Hospital, who advised her to visit Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital.  That Hospital did not issue certificate due to non-availability of Neurologist in the Hospital.
4.      Medical Superintendent, Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital, an autonomous institute of Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide his letter dated 12.01.2017 and 19.05.2017 informed that as Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Society had no neurologist (Asstt. Professor, Associate Professor and Professor), it was not feasible for that hospital to enrol neurology disability patients for issuing disability certificates.  The hospital would be able to start issuing disability certificates when a neurologist joined the Hospital.  He requested the Office of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities to amend order No.F. 82(265)AD-III/Amendment PWD Act /DSW/09/18340-358 dated 12.02.2014.

5.      The above mentioned complaints were taken up with the respondents vide Show Cause Notices of 27.07.2017 and 31.07.2017.  In the said notices, respondents No. 1 was directed to show cause as to why Specialist Doctor/Clinical Psychologist should not be deputed to Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital on specified  dates in a week as per requirement from one of the Government Hospitals or the Medical Superintendent of the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital should not be advised to Co-opt a specialist doctor from private sector for the purpose or make any other arrangement to assess the disability of the persons who are struggling for disability certificates and ensure that the eligible applicants  are issued the disability certificates within the prescribed time period i.e. one week/ one month and submit Action Taken Report by 04.08.2017.  The complaints were also scheduled for hearing on 11.08.2017.

6.      The following was also brought to the notice of the respondents:
(i)      That the formats of Disability certificate prescribed in the Delhi Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amendment Rules, also envisage assessment of disability by a specialist who may not be a Government servant.  Such a certificate would need the countersignature of the Medical Superintendent or Head of Government Hospital which implies that the Medical Superintendent or the Head of Government Hospital can co-opt a private medical specialist for assessment of a disability  and that as per Rule 4 (2) of the said Rules disability certificate shall be issued as far as possible within a week from the date of receipt of the application by the Medical Authority but in any case, not later than one month from such date.

(ii)      That as per Department of Social Welfare Notification No-  82(265)/AD-III/Amendment PWD Act./DSW/09/18340-358 Dated- 12.02.2014  (Remarks against Sl. No. 06), when any of the hospitals does not have specialities from the related specialisation, then the case can be referred by that Hospital to IHBAS and as per Note below the table, if a designated doctor of concerned field who has been authorised to issue Disability certificate is on leave or is not present, a suitable alternative arrangement will be made by the Medical Superintendent of the concerned hospital.  The Medical Superintendent will ensure issuance of disability certificate within the time period specified in Rule 4 of Delhi Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 2011 as amended. 

(iii)     That as per Department of Social Welfare, GNCTD’s Notification No. 27/8/93-H & FW/18337-355 Dated 29.08.2008, Medical Superintendent of the concerned hospital shall be the Appellate Authority to review the appeal of any dispute regarding issuance of disability certificate. In specific cases requiring cardiological/ neurological/ psychiatric examination, the Appellate Authority shall seek association of Professor in concerned speciality from GB pant Hospital, GTB Hospital and IHBAS.

7.      District wise list of 26 authorised hospitals for issuance of disability certificate (loco motor disabilities, visual impairment, multiple disabilities and mental disorders is available in the website of Social Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
Please go to http// click
Social Welfare Department
Our services
Welfare of Persons with Disabilities
List of authorised hospitals

8.      Subsequent to the issuance of show cause notices, some of the complainants informed through emails that the Janakpuri Super Specialty Hospital had called them and after assessing the disability, certificates have either been issued or will be issued in a few days.  They therefore, requested that they may be exempted from attending the hearing on 11.08.2017.

9.      During the Hearing on 11.08.2017 Dr. B.K. Tyagi, Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital informed that master Saksham Arora, Ms. Stuti Kapoor, Mr. Verma and Master Shubham have been issued the disability certificates after assessment by the Disability Board comprising the Neurologist, Psychiatrist and Neurosurgeon.  Ms. Kavita has been assessed and the disability certificate will be issued to her within 10 days.  Smt. Neelam who was contacted from 7th to 10th August, 2017 for hospital visit, informed that her son Master Manish Kumar was not well.  She has been advised to apply alongwith necessary documents and bring Master Manish Kumar to the hospital.  He would be assessed and issued a disability certificate as and when he is brought to the hospital. 

10.    Dr. B.K. Tyagi also informed that Health and Family Welfare Department vide order No. 11/120/H&FW/2017 HR-Med/935-40 dated 09.08.2017 has assigned one neurosurgeon and three neurologists on rotational monthly basis from Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, G.B. Pant Hospital and Dr. BSA Medical College/Hospital to Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital for assessment of persons with mental disorders and neurological disorders.  This arrangement has been made for the month of August, September, October and November, 2017.  However, he stated that Dr. Subodh Gupta, a neurosurgeon of Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital who has been deputed only for the month of August, 2017 is already a member of the Disability Board who is otherwise available to Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital every month.  Because of the order dated 09.08.2017, his availability is now restricted to the month of August, 2017.  He, therefore, suggested that either another neurologist should be deputed for the regular disability board at Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital in place of Dr. Subodh Gupta or he may be deputed on every Wednesday of all the months.  He further submitted that this arrangement or an alternative arrangement should be made beyond November, 2017 also so that disability certification happens uninterruptedly.  He also pointed out that Dr. Subodh Gupta is a neurosurgeon whereas for assessment of neurological disorders, a neurologist is required including for the month of August, 2017.

11.    The representatives of other hospitals submitted that the provisions in various notifications in connection with issuance of disability certificates should be consolidated in a single notification with more clarity particularly with regard to co-opting of specialists from private sector in the event of unavailability of a specialist in nearby government hospitals.  Since the Delhi Persons with Disabilities Rules or Central Persons With Disabilities Rules do not explicitly mention about co-opting specialists from private sector, though the format of disability certificate implies that a specialist from private sector can also assess the disability of a person which would be valid after the certificate is countersigned by the Medical Superintendent of the concerned hospital, the notification or instructions should provide for the fee of such specialists, and other terms and conditions of engagement.  For example whether there should be a formal contract for the purpose and the format thereof.  They suggested that the specialists from private sector should be empanelled by the Health and Family Welfare Department or the Medical Superintendent should be authorised for such empanelment.  They also brought out the issue of shortage of specialists in different hospitals and Health and Family Welfare Department should facilitate and ensure filling up of such vacant posts.

12.    The representatives of the hospitals also brought out the issue of guidelines for assessment of the disabilities that have been added and their certification after coming into force of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 as they are receiving requests from persons who have those disabilities.  The existing Rules in the Govt. of NCT of Delhi should also be changed expeditiously so that such cases can be attended.  They also pointed out that in the existing notification dated 12.02.2014 issued by the Department of Social Welfare, the allocation of districts to various hospitals needs to be rationalised keeping in view the distance.  For example, distance between north and north west to IHBAS would be between 30 to 35 kms.  The allocation should be rationalised so that the persons with disabilities do not have to travel more than 5-10 kms.  This can be achieved by notifying various Delhi Government as well as the Municipal Corporations hospitals as the medical authorities.  The specialists from other hospitals can visit on weekly basis to such hospitals.   
13.    It is observed that despite the notifications issued by Department of Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi from time to time the concerned certifying authorities seem to be unclear about the action to be taken on their part in different eventualities in order to ensure a hassle free arrangement for assessment and issuance of disability certificates.  In the cases under consideration, the disability happens to be such that it is extremely difficult for the parents/attendants/care givers to take the affected person to different hospitals.  Inconvenience was also apparently caused due to non-availability of the Specialist Doctor in Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital.  It is not clear whether Respondent No. 2 informed the appropriate authority i.e. Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi for deployment of neurologist in January, 2017 in addition to requesting the Office of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities to amend the notification dated 12.02.2014 issued by Social Welfare Department.  It seems that had the matter been taken up with that Department for deputing the neurologist and for modification of the said notification with the Social Welfare Department, perhaps the assessment and certification of the concerned persons would not have been delayed so much.

14.    Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of India is in the process of notifying the guidelines for assessment of various disabilities covered under the Rights of persons with Disability Act, 2016.  Social Welfare Department/Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi will also be notifying the Delhi Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules and the procedure for certification, jurisdiction of the designated hospitals, etc. shortly.  Needless to say, the disability certificate is the primary document that a person with disability must possess to avail any right, entitlement or safeguards available to him/her.  Disproportionate complications and difficulties in obtaining the disability certificate may discourage many persons/family members to attempt to get the certificate and thus deprive them of their entitlements. 

15.    In light of the facts and circumstances of the cases deliberated herein above and based on the experiences of this court, the following recommendations are made:
(i)           While framing guidelines/procedures, the concerned Department should consider the experiences of the primary stakeholders particularly those persons with various disabilities or their parents/family members who had faced difficulties in obtaining the disability certificates as well as those who had positive experience and the designated hospitals so that persons with disabilities are able to get the disability certificates with ease and within the time period prescribed in the rules.
(ii)          Persons who have approached State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities or the Nodal Departments could be involved for consultation amongst the primary stakeholders.
(iii)         Arrangement to assess the persons who cannot move by themselves and those who do not have adequate support to carry them to the hospital, should be made at the place of their residence by the concerned hospital.
(iv)        Children with disabilities who are admitted in a special school but are residing in geographical jurisdictions of different hospitals may be assessed and issued disability certificates by organising special camps in consultation with the concerned school/organisation.  Doctors from the concerned designated hospitals can be deputed in such camps.
(v)         The jurisdiction of hospitals may be considered and decided so as to keep the commuting distance to the hospitals to the minimum.
(vi)        Procedure for alternative arrangements in case of various exigencies like unavailability of specialists in a hospital, the procedure to be followed for co-opting specialists from private sector etc., should be provided for in the rules or instructions which should be widely publicised.   
(vii)      Workshops on assessment of disabilities and procedure on issuance of disability certificate should be organised from time to time for the Medical Authorities and the doctors. 
(viii)     The concerned nodal Department may also consider notifying the Hospitals under the Municipal Corporations and New Delhi Municipal Council as the medical authority/competent authority for the purpose of assessment and issuance of disability certificates.

16.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 25th day of August, 2017.     

                                                                                      (T.D. Dhariyal)
                    State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Copy for information & necessary action to:

The Secretary, Department of Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate, Delhi-110002.


Ms. Rama Sharma Vs. The Chairman, DSSSB | Case No. 4/1125/2015/Wel./CD/1601-02 | Dated:25.08.2017

Case Summary:

Rama Sharma Vs. Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board

Atrocities: Complainant, a person with blindness submitted that her husband, also a person with blindness, was mistreated and manhandled when he went to the office of the respondent for document verification. During the course of the proceedings, the respondent informed that the allegations made by the complainant had been forwarded to the concerned branch and they were waiting for the coming report. Complainant’s husband later stated that the purpose of filling the complaint was to send a message to the concerned officers about treating persons with disabilities with dignity, and that he and his wife did not wish to pursue the matter and that the complaint may be closed.
Court pointed out various provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 which would have been applicable in this case had the complainant wished to pursue the complaint before closing the case. 

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1125/2015/Wel./CD/1601-02                          Dated:25.08.2017

In the matter of:

Ms. Rama Sharma
D/o Sh. Jeev Lal Sharma
G-4/17-18, Sector-16, Rohini
Delhi-110089                                                      ................ Complainant


The Chairman
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
FC-18, Institutional Area,
Delhi-110092                                                     ………...…Respondent

The above named complainant, a person with blindness vide a complaint dated 23.09.2015 inter-alia submitted that as she was unable to personally go to the office of the respondent for document verification on 09.09.2015, her husband Sh. Dharma Raj Kumar who is also a person with blindness visited that office.  The concerned official misbehaved with her husband and asked the guard to throw him out of the office in front of many other people. 

2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 21.10.2015 followed by a reminder dated 20.11.2015.

3.      The respondent vide letter dated 17.12.2015 submitted that the result of special education teacher was under process and the representation of the complainant had been examined.  The documents submitted by the candidates shall be considered while processing the result.  Subsequently, vide letter dated 30.11.2015, Deputy Secretary(Admin.) informed that the allegations made by the complainant regarding man-handling by the staff of DSSSB and non-verification of certificates of the candidates had been forwarded to the concerned branch and a report was likely to be submitted by that branch.  Therefore, the respondent sought some more time up to 15.12.2015.  The letter dated 30.11.2015 of respondent was sent to the complainant vide letter dated 28.11.2016 for comments.  However, the said letter was returned undelivered by the postal authorities.

4.      As there was no response from the respondent who had sought time for submission of the report upto 15.12.2015, the respondent was advised to send the same by 30.12.2016 vide letter dated 20.12.2016.  However, the respondent did not submit any report.  Since, the letter sent to the complainant had also been received back, the complainant was contacted on her given telephone on 21.08.2017.  Her husband  Sh. Dharma Raj Kumar informed that the address G-4/17-18 was incorrectly mentioned as G-417-18.  Hence the complainant did not receive letter dated 28.11.2016.  He also stated that the purpose of filing the complaint was to send a message to the concerned officers and staff working in DSSSB that they should treat persons with disabilities with sensitivity and dignity.  He further stated that he expected them to treat him the way they treat others.  It was unfortunate that the concerned staff was very rude.  He however, stated that Ms. Rama Sharma, his wife does not want to pursue the complaint further as the purpose was to convey his concern and requested that it may be closed.

5.      It is a matter of concern that the concerned officer in the office of the respondent did not submit any report as mentioned in his letter dated 30.11.2015.  It will be in the fitness of things for me to bring to the notice of the respondent that Section 92 (a) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 provides, “whoever intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate a person with disability in any place within public view;……………….. shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months but which may extend  to 5 years and with fine”.          Section 89 and 93 of the said Act also provide for punishment for contravention of provisions of the Act or Rules or Regulations made there under and for failure to furnish information, respectively which may extend up to 5 lakh rupees. 

6.      As the complainant does not wish to proceed further, no action to invoke the above mentioned sections of the Act is being taken.  However, the respondent is advised to impress upon all concerned in the DSSSB to ensure handling and treating of persons with disabilities on equal basis with others and with dignity as envisaged in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.  An action taken report be submitted to this Court under intimation to the complainant by 23.09.2017.

7.      Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 25th day of August, 2017.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Friday, August 25, 2017

Rahul Sharma Vs. Secretary Deptt of Health & Family Welfare | Case No. 4/1129/2015-Wel/CD/ 1594-1595 | Dated: 24.08.2017

Case Summary:

Rahul Sharma Vs. Department of Health & Family Welfare

Disability Certificate: Complainant submitted that an employee of the BabuJagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital told him that he would be getting a disability certificate of only 20% without examining him. After communications, the Deputy Medical Superintendent of the hospital submitted that the Complainant had been issued the disability certificate on 30.10.15.

On 07.01.16 Complainant submitted that he requested the issuing of a disability certificate in the performa prescribed by the central government, which was required for applying for employment, and alleged that the hospital administration and employees harassed him. After correspondence, it was submitted by the respondent that the complainant had been issued a disability certificate in the required format.

Employment: Vide another complaint, Complainant submitted that during the document verification phase of his application for a Group D post in the Railways, concerned officials informed him that his disability certificate needed to be in the performa prescribed by the railway board and signed and sealed by one more doctor. The Court discussed Section 58 (3) of the 2016 Act, Rule 19-20 of the 2017 Rules regarding validity of the disability certificate. Court noted that as per the Delhi Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amendment Rules, 2011, only the signature of a single notified medical authority is required unless the case is one of multiple disabilities. Further, a counter signature and seal of Medical Superintendent is only required if the medical authority isn’t a government servant. Court ruled that even if it is not in the same format as prescribed in the Central/Delhi Persons with Disabilities Rules, the issued certificate has the necessary information and must be accepted by all the recruiting authorities, etc. for its’ period of validity.

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017
Delhi Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amendment Rules, 2011

Order / Judgement: 

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1129/2015-Wel/CD/ 1594-1595                          Dated: 24.08.2017
Case No.4/1313/2016-Wel/CD

In the matter of:

Sh. Rahul Sharma,
B-38/2, Kewal Park,
Azadpur, New Delhi-110033.                                        .……… Complainant     

The Secretary,
Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare,
GNCT of Delhi,
Delhi Secretariat,
New Delhi-110002.                                                  …...…Respondent


              The above named complainant, a person with 40% hearing impairment vide his complaint dated 19.09.2015 addressed to the Medical Superintendent, Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital (BJRM) submitted that an employee of the hospital at the counter without examining him told him that he would be getting a disability certificate of only 20% and returned his application for disability certificate. 

2.           The complaint was taken up with the Medical Superintendent, BJRM Hospital vide notice dated 30.09.2015 followed by reminders dated 02.11.2015 & 24.11.2015.

3.           Dy. Medical Superintendent / Head of Office vide letter dated 20.11.2015 informed that the matter had already been dealt on PGMS Portal of Delhi Govt. and the applicant had been issued disability certificate on 30.10.2015.

4.           The complainant vide his letter dated 07.01.2016 stated that he requested for issuing a disability certificate in the performa prescribed by the Central Govt. which was required for applying for employment.  He was directed to appear before the Chairman, Disability Board without giving any date and time or address.  He alleged that thereafter the hospital administration and the employees harassed him.  The matter was therefore referred to Department of Health and Family Welfare vide letter dated 07.07.2016 followed by the reminders.  The Health and Family Welfare Department vide letter dated 28.12.2016 directed the respondent to take appropriate action on top priority and submit Action Taken Report. 

5.           The respondent vide letter dated 23.01.2017 informed that the complainant had been issued a disability certificate on 25.01.2016 in the performa prescribed by the Central Govt.  As per the said disability certificate, the complainant has 40% hearing disability and the condition is likely to improve and reassessment has been recommended after a period of 3 years. 

6.           The complainant vide another complaint dated 29.06.2016, which was registered as Case No. 4/1313/2016-Wel/CD submitted that in June 2016 he applied for a Group D post in response to Railway Recruitment Cell, Northern Region, recruitment notice.  During the document verification and medical examination,  the concerned officials  told him that his disability certificate has been signed by only one Specialist / doctor  and the Chairman of the Medical Board.  It should be in the performa prescribed by Railway Board.  They allowed him only provisional basis for medical examination and gave him 10 days to get his disability certificate signed by one more doctor with his seal.  He therefore, requested to provide him the notification which mentions that the disability certificate issued by a hospital should be valid for all the Central, State or Railway Recruitment Boards.  He also requested that his disability certificate should be signed and sealed by one more doctor.

7.      Section 58 (3) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 provides, “The certificate of disability issued under this section shall be valid across the country”.  As per Rule 19 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment [(Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)] vide G.S.R. 5.91 (E) dated 15.06.2017, a person to whom the certificate issued under rule 18 shall be entitled to apply for facilities, concessions and benefits admissible for persons with disabilities under schemes of the Government and of non-Governmental organizations funded by the Government”. Rule 20 of the said Rules provides that the certificate of disability issued under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996) shall continue to be valid after commencement of the Act for the period specified therein.
8.           As per the format of certificate of disability (Form-VII and Form-IX) prescribed by  Delhi Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amendment Rules, 2011 notified vide No. F. 82(265)/ AD.III/ Amendment/ PWD Act/DSW/ 09/3176-3186 requires the signature of only a single notified medical authority other than in the case of multiple disabilities.  Counter signature and seal of the Medical Superintendent / Head of the Hospital is required only in case the certificate of disability is issued by a Medical Authority who is not a Govt. Servant. 

9.           Therefore, the disability certificate issued by single medical authority except in case of multiple disabilities, do not require the signature /seal  of another doctor.  Counter signature and seal of Medical Superintendent / Head of Govt. Hospital is required only if the medical authority is not a Government servant.

10.         The disability certificate issued on 25.01.2016 on the basis of Disability Certificate  No. 474/2015 dated 30.10.2015 dated 30.10.2015 to the complainant by BJRM Hospital though not exactly in the same format as prescribed in the Central /Delhi Persons with Disabilities Rules, has the necessary information and must be accepted by all the recruiting authorities, etc. for a period of  three years where after the complainant should get himself reassessed as the condition is likely to improve as per the disability certificate No. 474/2015 dated 30.10.2015.

              Both the cases are disposed of accordingly.

            Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 24th   day of August, 2017.                                               

                                                                                       (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, August 24, 2017

G.S. Rathore Vs. DCP (New Delhi District) & Anr. | Case No. 4/1491/2016-Wel/CD/1572-1574 | Dated: 23.08.2017

Case Summary

SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS WITH BLINDNESS; PROPERTY DISPUTES BETWEEN MEMBERS OF MANAGING COMMITTEE- Complainant, a person with blindness approaches Commissioner Delhi Police with copy of complaint also to this court alleging misuse of the school premises

Order Judgement

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1491/2016-Wel/CD/1572-1574             Dated: 23.08.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. G.S. Rathore,
530,Sector-1, Vaishali,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201010.                      .……… Complainant


The Deputy Commissioner of Police,
(New Delhi District),
Delhi Police, Police Station, Parliament Street,
New Delhi-110002.                                             …...…Respondent No. 1

The Director,
Directorate of Education,
Old Sectt., Civil Lines,
Delhi-110054.                                                    ……… Respondent No. 2

Date of hearing:    18.08.2017
Present                        Sh. G.S. Rathore,  Complainant.
DharmendraKumar,S.I. on behalf of Respondent No. 1.


              The above named complainant,a person with blindness vide his letter dated 09.12.2016 addressed to the Commissioner, Delhi Police with a copy to the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities among others  submitted that the Institute for the Blind at Punchkuian Road is providing free education, boarding and lodging to its blind students since 1947.  The Institute is a registered Society and its daily affairs are being looked after by the Managing Committee. Sh. BansiLal Sharma along with Sh. B.M. Upreti have started misusing the Institute’s property for their personal financial gain.  They submitted wrong affidavit in Patiala House Courts claiming that the plot measuring 300 sq. yards belongs to Sh. B.L. Sharma. He requested that an FIR should be lodged at the earliest and criminal action should be taken against them.  

2.           The matter was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 28.12.2016 followed by reminders dated 06.02.2017 and 27.02.2017. 

3.           Dy. Commissioner of Police, New Delhi District vide his letters dated 20.02.2017 & 17.03.2017 inter-alia informed that during the course of inquiry, it was revealed that there is property dispute between Sh. B.M. Upreti and other members of Managing Committee.  He was running a business of tent house and caterers from the premises of AndhVidyalaya which was let out to him by the Managing Committee in 2003. On 09.05.2016, it was decided that Sh. Upreti would vacate the premises within four months.  A suit filed by Sh. Upreti before the Hon’ble Ms. Rekha, ADJ, Patiyala House Court, New Delhi was dismissed as withdrawn vide order dated 09.09.2016.  The Police was yet to examine the complaint regarding possession of the premises.  The Police also served a notice on 03.03.2017 to Sh. G.S. Rathore for some information regarding papers relating to ownership of land/building/properties etc. in question.  Sh. Rathore asked for more time to provide the same.  Therefore the Police sought some more time to conclude the inquiry.

4.           Respondent No. 2. also informed vide letter dated 17.03.2017 that the inquiry of the case was under process and the report will be submitted within 15 days.

5.           As there was no communication from the parties, a hearing was scheduled on 18.08.2017.During the hearing the representative of the respondent No. 1, submitted a report dated 18.08.2017 as per which on 19.05.2017, a letter from the complainant was received wherein it was mentioned that on 11.01.2017 a meeting was held between Sh. Upreti and the complainant in the presence of some other persons.  After the meeting Sh. Upreti has removed all the goods and material from the plot in question and the Institute for the Blind has taken over the possession of plot.  The complainant confirmed to the Police that he has no complaint related to the said plot and he does not want to proceed further in the matter.

6.           The complainant also submitted a letter dated 17.08.2017 vide which he has requested that Sh. BansiLal Sharma and Sh. Brij Mohan Upreti may also be made party in the matter of  grabbing the land of the Institution for the Blind.

7.           As the issue involved in this case has already been resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant as submitted by the respondent no. 1 and confirmed by the complainant during the hearing, no impleadment of any other person will be of no consequence. 
            Hence the case is closed and disposed off accordingly.

           Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 23rdday of August, 2017.                                               

                                                                                       (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities