Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dinesh Singh Negi Vs. President, Raj Vihar CGHS & 3 Ors | Case No. 4/1185/2016-Wel/CD/3494-98 | Dated: 22.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1185/2016-Wel/CD/3494-98                                     Dated: 22.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Dinesh Singh Negi
Flat No-24, Rah Vihar,CGHS,
Plot. No-13, Sector-18A,
Dwarka, New Delhi -110078.                                                 ..............Complainant
The President                                                         Registrar Co-operative Societies,         
Raj Vihar, CGHS                                                      GNCT of Delhi,        
Plot no.-13, Sector-18A                                           Paliament Street, New Delhi -110001
Dwarka, New Delhi -78 ......Respondent 1.                                  ..........Respondent 2. 
The Vice Chairman                                                The Commissioner
DDA, B-Block, Ist Floor,                                          South Delhi Municipal Corpn.
Vikas Sadan, Near INA Market                              9th Floor, Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre
New Delhi – 110023.  ........Respondent 3.          JLN Marg, New Delhi -110002. 
........Respondent 4
Date of Hearing: 30.11.2017
Present:  Counsel for DDA, Adv. Renu Gautam Sharma

            The above named complainant vide his complaint dated 09.02.2016 submitted that his elder daughter is suffering from mental retardation. He requested Raj Vihar CGHS, Sector -18 A, Dwarka, Delhi to ensure the free passage from lift to the open parking, if necessary, by vacating the parking area allotted by the society in the common passage area.  That was necessary for free access /movement of vehicles in case of emergency.  However, the President of the society did not care even to answer the communication.  The complainant therefore requested to direct the President of the Society/appropriate authority to ensure free passage from lift to open parking. 

2.         The complaint was taken up with the Registrar, Cooperative Society vide letter dated 25.02.2016 followed by reminder dated 07.04.2016, 08.11.2016 and 30.11.2016.

3.         The Registrar, Cooperative Society vide letter dated 29.11.2016 advised the Ex-President and Secretary of the Raj Vihar CGHS to take appropriate action and file Action Taken Report before this court since DDA was the authority for amendment of building bye- laws.  Despite repeated reminders the President and Secretary of the Society did not respond. 

4.         The complainant vide his letter dated 03.03.2017informed that the then President had expired and fresh managing committee had been elected.  Since he had been elected as Secretary of the Society, he would like to disassociate himself from the role of finding solution as Secretary of Managing Committee.  Vice Chairman, DDA was impleaded as respondent No. 3 and a hearing was scheduled on 05.06.2017.  While the complainant and the President of the Society appeared, Registrar, Cooperative Society and DDA were not represented. 

5.         The Complainant reiterated in his written submission and added that his 11 year old daughter is a person with mental retardation and has a history of epilepsy.  The car parking lots 5 and 10 in the stilt area in front of exit from the lifts have been shown as parking lots by DDA in its parking plan of the society dated 08.07.2010 apparently due to over sight or mistake as the circulation area plan of DDA of the same date shows the area as the circulation area.  The said lots can also not be earmarked as parking lots as those obstruct the movement to the arterial road in the society.  Due to the parked cars at those lots, it is not possible for the ambulance to go close to the lift to enable his daughter to board the ambulance.  Copies of the parking plan and the circulation plan for the said society submitted by the complainant were enclosed for DDA’s reference.  He further submitted that the society has allotted 18 covered parking lots instead of 16 and the former President had allotted one of the said parking spaces to Sh. Arvind S. Gulati on temporary basis which was not proper. 

6.         Sh. J.K. Batheja, the President of Raj Vihar Society submitted that car par kings have been allotted as per the sanctioned drawings by DDA.  If those parking lots are removed from the drawing or directions are received from the appropriate authority namely DDA, the Society can at present accommodate the allottees of car parking lots 5 and 10.

7.         It was observed from the submissions of parties that DDA needed to clarify whether the contention of the complainant with respect to car parking lot no. 05 and 10 was right and if so, then DDA should issue appropriate direction to the President of Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. for clearing the circulation area within 30 days from the date of receipt of the proceedings.  The Managing Committee of the society was also advised to take appropriate action to resolve the matter within 30 days from the date of receipt of the clarification/directions from DDA and intimate the decision taken to the complainant and this court within a week thereafter.  In case of any dispute or difficulty in resolving the matter, the President of the Society was directed to approach Registrar Cooperative Societies, GNCTD, who was advised to make efforts to resolve the issue and intimate this court within 15 days from the date the President of the Society approached him/her.  DDA was further advised as to how barrier free movement and access from the lift could be ensured for the daughter of the complainant particularly in case of emergency, if parking lots No. 5 and 10 have indeed been indicated correctly in the parking plan. 

8.         On the next date of hearing on 01.09.2017, the learned counsel for respondent no. 3 DDA submitted that the area in which the Raj Vihar, CGHS  is located, has been de-notified and the building activities have been handed over to South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC).  Therefore, any decision about the construction etc. can be done with the approval of SDMC.  However, as the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) had approved the drawings and the case involved a person with disability, DDA examined the matter and was in the process of suggesting some feasible solution.  She sought two week’s time to submit the written submissions which would contain the proposed solution based on examination of the Building Department.  She also explained the possible ways to provide access for Ambulance and the cars to the lifts in case of emergency. However, as DDA was not the authority to approve any amendment / modification, that was only a suggestion to be implemented by the Management Committee of the society with the approval of the local authority i.e. the SDMC. 

9.         The representative of Registrar Co-operative Societies, the respondent No.2 stated that although they have no role with regard to the modifications / relocation of parking spaces, they would instruct the society to sort out the matter. 

10.       The Authorised Representative of respondent No. 1, the society stated that the suggestion of DDA appears to be feasible and workable as that would be closer to the lift.  If the Management Committee issues a circular for removal of one parking slot on each side of the lift core as no parking zone, the problem would get resolved.  Since that also happened to be an alternative solution by DDA, its implementation should not be a problem.

11.       The complainant submitted that if suggested solution is implemented, a provision of shed would need to be made to make it all weather friendly.  This should also not be in contravention of any bye-laws regulating the Fire Act, National Disaster Management Act, etc.

12.       In the light of the submissions of respondent no.3 that SDMC would be the authority to approve any modification / construction etc., Commissioner, South Delhi Municipal Corporation was impleaded as respondent no. 4 and was advised to submit his / her comments on the suggestions that the DDA may formally submit and the Corporation’s own suggestions on the next date of hearing so that the complaint could be disposed of.  Respondent No. 3 was advised to send a copy of the suggestions to the Commissioner, South Delhi Municipal Corporation by 11.09.2017.

13.       DDA vide their reply dated 15.09.2017 submitted as under: -

1. That the contents of para 1 of the complaint is matter of record.  It is denied that the car parking lots 05 and 10 in the stilt area in front of exit from the lifts have been shown as parking lots by DDA in it parking, plan of the society dated 08.07.2010 apparently due to over sight or mistake as the circulation area.  The said lots can also not be same date shows the area as the circulation area.  The said lots can also not be earmarked as parking lots as those obstruct the movement to the arterial road in the society.  It is submitted that the matter is regarding the Car parking shown as 05 and 10 in the Stilt Area in front of exit from the lifts lobbies in r/o Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. at plot no. 13, Sector 18 A, Dwarka, New Delhi -110078.  As per the approved Parking Plain of Completion Drawing dated 08.07.2010, the ECS required/provided as prescribed in MPD-2021 are as under: -
A.        Total ECS required                                      : 109.30 ECS
B.        Total ECS provided in Open and Stilt       : 128.08 ECS
            I) Actual car space provided in Open        = 68 Nos.
            II) Actual car space provided in Stilt          = 16 Nos.
                Total                                                           = 84 Nos.

            The current UBBL-2016 has a chapter 11 dedicated for Provisions for Universal Design for Differently Abled, Elderly and children.  Copy of the guidelines prescribed under law is annexed as Annexure –A.
2-3.     That the contents of para 2 and 3 of the complaint is matter of record.  It is submitted that the area of Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. at Plot No. 13, Sector 18 A has already been denotified vide Notification No. F.12 (47)/09/L&B/Plg.6412 dated 16.07.2010 (refer Annexure B).  The said area is now pertains to the North MCD.  Therefore, concerned MCD will take action/direction in this case.  The concerned building file is still lying with DDA, Building section.  The DDA has proposed two options immediately as the matter is related to provide obstruction free movement from car parking to Lift Lobby for differently abled persons which are as under.  Copy of Notification is attached as Annexure –B.
4.         That the contents of para 4 of the complaint cum proceedings is matter of record.  It is submitted that the matter was fixed for 26.06.2017 for proceedings but unfortunately it was the holiday due to Eid.
5.         That the contents of para 5 of the complaint is matter of record hence need no reply.
6.         That the contents of para 6 of the complaint is matter of record.  It is submitted that the matter is regarding the Car parking shown as 05 and 10 in the Stilt Area in front of exit from the lifts lobbies in r/o Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. at plot No.13, Sector-18 A, Dwarka, New Delhi -110078.  As per the approved Parking Plain of Completion Drawing dated 08.07.2010, the ECS required/provided as prescribed in MPD-2021 are as under:
A         Total ECS required                                      : 109.30 ECS
B.        Total ECS provided in Open and Stilt       : 128.08 ECS
            I) Actual car space provided in Open        = 68 Nos.
            II) Actual car space provided in Stilt          = 16 Nos.
                Total                                                           = 84 Nos.
            The current UBBL-2016 has a chapter 11 dedicated for Provisions for Universal Design for Differently Abled, Elderly and children.

7.         That the contents of para 7 of the complaint is matter of record.  It is submitted that the area of Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. at Plot No. 13, Sector 18 A has already been denotified vide Notification No. F.12 (47)/09/L&B/Plg./6412 dated 16.07.2010 (refer Annexure B).  The said area is now pertains to the North MCD.  Therefore, concerned MCD will take action/direction in this case.  The concerned building file is still lying with DDA, Building Section.  The DDA has proposed two options immediately as the matter is related to provide obstruction free movement from car parking to Lift Lobby for differently abled persons which are as under:
8.         That it is submitted that DDA has proposed two suggestions only.  The actual dimensional barrier free facilities as per UBBL-2016/relevant acts shall have to be designed as per site conditions by the Architect appointed by the CGHS and revised drawings can be sanctioned by the concerned local authority i.e. SDMC, Letter send to the President Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd., Plot No. 13, Sector 18A, Dwarka, New Delhi -78 in which the suggestions were given to them vide letter No. F.23 (23)2001/Bldg/L&I/229 dt. 31.08.2017. Copy of letter is attached as Annexure –C.

            Suggestion can be implemented to sort the issue and the options are as under:

Option 1:       The MC of the Society can accommodate dedicated Car parking at 2 places i.e. behind lifts well structures on both the Housing Towers.  These two Car-parking Locations shall be negotiated through ramps from Car parking to Lift Lobby level through the ramp enabling the wheel chair to reach the lift lobby area.  Coy of plan is attached as Annexure-D.

Option 2:       The car parking location marked as 05 and 10 in both the blocks in stilt area may be abolished to create obstruction free wheel chair movement from Car parking area to lift lobby area as the society has 128.08 ECS against required 109 ECS.”
14. On the next date of hearing on 25.10.2017, the representative of SDMC submitted status report which is reproduced below;
                        That the complainant Sh. Dinesh Singh Negi was contacted in order to have first-hand knowledge of the matter as well as the grievance to be redressed through the court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (NCT, Delhi).  Sh. Dinesh Singh Negi informed that his child is handicapped and is not keeping well and very frequently he has to call the Ambulance for taking her to the hospital for the ailment.  He further informed that the distance from the lift to the place where the Ambulance is parked in the society is bit far; as a result lot of inconvenience is faced by him to reach to the Ambulance for taking the child to the hospital. 
            On the last date of hearing, DDA brought forward some of the suggestions.  The complainant suggested that a provision of shed near to the lift would need to be made to make the passage weather friendly and this exercise shall also not be in contravention of any Bye-Laws regulating the Fire Act, NDMA etc.  Further, it was also opined that the parking lot near the lift may be vacated or re-arranged and also if deemed fit the fiber sheet/shed over the open space near the lift may be provided to provide relief to the complainant. 
                        However, SDMC has no objection if the Management Committee issues a circular for removal of one parking lot on each side of the lift core as no parking zone, the problem will get resolved.  Since, this also happens to be an alternative solution by DDA; implementation should not be a problem.
            Regarding erection of a shed near to the lift, SDMC has no objection if it is within the ambit of Master Plan -2021/Building-Bye-Laws.
Place: New Delhi
            Dated:  25.10.2017

15.       During the hearing on 30.11.2017, Advocate Renu Gautam Sharma, Ld. Counsel for DDA submitted that DDA has no role to play as it has already suggested two options for implementation by MCD in the society.  She requested to discharge DDA from the array of the respondent. 

16.       The complainant and the representatives of Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. did not appear, Sh. Jagdish Batheja, President, Raj Vihar CGHS Ltd. vide his e-Mail dated 30.04.2017 informed that he was not able to attend the hearing due to ill health and if postponement of the hearing is not possible, he would arrange to send his written submissions.  He was informed to submit the written submissions and accordingly, vide his submission dated 04.12.2017 he informed as under:

17.       “The Managing Committee of the Society can implement the first option given by the Engineers of the DDA –MCD in their Status Report.

Option 1:  he area behind the lift of both blocks is to be utilised for dedicated ambulance parking as it is closely located to vertical exits (stairs and lifts) from upper floors and also travelling distance is just 5 to 10 metres from lifts and also in this area as per building bye-laws both side of the lift have step less access for persons with disabilities, sick person –using wheelchairs, Crutches, stretchers etc.  This dedicated parking area for ambulance can be covered with fibre shed to make it all weather friendly.  It’s also not in contravention of any bye-laws of any authority.
Option 2: The other option suggested by DDA is to re-arrange covered parking lots which will not be viable option as access area towards lift area is unlabelled and as gutter and shafts of waste water.  Further the distance from the lifts is also almost 30-35 meters away. Henceforth, this particular exit may not be safe for persons with disabilities, sick person, old age or any patient.”
18.       He has requested to go through his observations and suggesting so that the Managing Committee can implement the orders at the earliest.”

19.       Sh. Batheja was requested to e-mail his submission dated 04.12.2017 to the complainant vide this court’s e-mail dated 6.12.2017 and the complainant was advised to submit his comments, if any, within 7 days of receipt of the submissions dated 04.12.2017 of Sh. Batheja.  Sh. Batheja sent the e-mail to the complainant on 11.12.2017. Till date no comments have been received from the complainant.

20.        In light of the above, the respondent No. 1 is advised to implement option-1 has suggested by the society.  All concerned civic and other authorities involved are also advised to facilitate and accord necessary approval on priority, so that the option is implemented within three months from the date of receipt of this order.  Respondent No. 1 shall submit an Action Taken Report regarding implementation of the said option within three months from the date of receipt of this order with a copy to the complainant and other respondents for their information.

21.       The complaint is disposed off accordingly.

22.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 22nd day of December, 2017.

Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Himanshu Bhatia Vs. he Divisional Commissioner Cum Secretary(Revenue) | Case No. 4/1419/2016-Wel./CD/3502-03 | Dated: 22.12.17

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1419/2016-Wel./CD/3502-03                Dated: 22.12.17

In the matter of:

Sh. Himanshu Bhatia
C4E/94, Janakpuri,
New Delhi-110058                                             ................ Petitioner

The Divisional Commissioner Cum Secretary(Revenue),
Department of Revenue, GNCT of Delhi,
5, Shyam Nath Mar, New Delhi                ………...…Respondent


The above named complainant, a person with locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 20.09.2016 submitted that he is not being issued income certificate from the Office of Dy. Commissioner, Revenue. 

2.      The complaint was taken up with the Divisional Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Revenue on 27.09.2016 followed by reminders dated 08.11.2016 and 30.11.2016.  A hearing was also held on 24.01.2017.  The respondent reported that Office of the SDM has issued Income Certificate on 04.06.2016.  The complainant has been advised to approach Dwarka sub jurisdiction to get his renewed certificate of income.  A copy of the reply of the SDM was sent to the complainant for his comment if any, vide letter dated on 01.02.2017.  No comments have been received from the complainant till date.  In view of this the complaint is closed and disposed off.

3.      Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 22nd day of  December, 2017.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

View the digitally signed PDF Order here:

Santosh Kumar Vs. Secretary, Deptt of Health & Family Welfare | Case No. 4/1118/2015-Wel/CD/3492-93 | Dated: 22.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1118/2015-Wel/CD/3492-93                      Dated: 22.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Santosh Kumar,
C/o Sh. Pappu Jain,
1/1, laxmi Market, Aram Park,
Khureji, Laxmi Nagar,
Jain PG, Delhi-110092                                             ................ Complainant

The Secretary,
Deptt. Of Health & Family Welfare,
GNCTD, Delhi Secretariat, I.P. Estate,
New Delhi-110002.                                                   ………...…Respondent


          The above named complainant vide his complaint dated 31.08.2015 received from the Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities vide letter dated 21.09.2015 submitted that he applied for Disability Certificate in Multiple Disability Board of Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Shahdara, Delhi.  As per the complainant he has congenital blue dot and Sutural cataract in both his eyes and Diskinetic cerebral palsy in his right hand due to which he can hardly perform any household work including writing.  As GTB Hospital had no neurological facility, he was referred to IHBAS Hospital.  He alleged that during assessment, he was mentally harassed and sarcastically mocked.  He was doubted and his case was under estimated ignoring his problem.  He alleged prejudice and discrimination in gross violation of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.

2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 24.09.2015.  Health & Family Welfare Department sought the comments of IHBAS Hospital.  IHBAS, Hospital vide letter dated 21.10.15 inter-alia informed that the Neurological condition of Focal Dystonia or writer’s cramp was very mild and was not contributing to any motor weakness leading to measurable disability.  The complainant was examined in different centres, AIIMS, GB Pant and Ganga Ram Hospial.  The same professional opinion was provided by the experts of those hospitals.  The hospital also stated that there was no mention of disability due to Dystonia in the disability assessment gazette.  It was also alleged that the complainant pressurised the treating Doctors to give 30% or more disability which would help him in the Civil Services Exam.  The hospital denied any harassment meted due to the complainant. 

3.      This court suggested to Department of Health & Family Welfare to appoint an Appellate Board. After exchange of a number of correspondence, the Health & Family Welfare Department asked Medical Superintendent, Lok Nayak Hospital to constitute an Appellate Board of 3 doctors for reassessment of the category of disability of the complainant as he was not satisfied with their comments/report of IHBAS Hospital and reconsider the issue of disability certificate, based on Board’s report vide letter dated 28.03.2016.

4.      A hearing was scheduled on 24.10.2017.  While the complainant did not appear, Ms. Manju Handa, Dy. Secretary on behalf of respondent informed that the complainant was also requested to contact Director, GB Pant Hospital for reassessment by Appellate Board of 3 doctors vide letter dated 08.09.2016.  However, it appeared that complainant did not visit that hospital. 

5.      It was observed that the last communication from the complainant was received on 06.11.2015.  This Court also tried to contact him on his given telephone No. 9910298747, which was switched off.  On the date of writing this order on 13.12.2017 also the said telephone number was switched off/temporarily out of service.

6.      Director, GB Pant Hospital was advised to arrange reassessment of the complainant as requested by H&FW Department and if eligible, disability certificate may be issued in respect of the complainant.  It was also made clear in the record of proceedings dated 27.10.2017 that if no response from the complainant was received by 30.11.2017, the complaint would be treated as closed.  The Record of Proceedings dated 27.10.2017 was sent to the complainant at his given address by speed post which has not been received back.  In compliance with the advice of this Court, GB Pant Hospital vide letter dated 15.11.2017 advised the complainant to report to Disability Cell, GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. with the relevant record on 16th/17th.11. 2017 or on 18.11.2017 between 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.  The hospital also found his mobile number switched off.  No response what so ever has been received from the complainant till date.  In view of this the complaint is closed and disposed off.

7.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 22nd day of December, 2017.     

                                                                                               (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

View the digitally signed PDF Order here:

Kapil Kumar Aggarwal Vs. Secretary, Deptt of Health & Family Welfare & Anr. | Case No. 4/1014/2015-Wel/CD/3499-3502 | Dated: 22.12.2017

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email:
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1014/2015-Wel/CD/3499-3502                                Dated: 22.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. Kapil Kumar Aggarwal
President, Federation of Disabled Rights, Delhi
G-Block, Basti Vikas Kaendra,
Mangol Puri, New Delhi                                                                 .............Petitioner
Department of Health & Family Welfare
9th Level, Delhi Secretariat
I.P.Estate, New Delhi -2

Directorate of Employment
5, Shamnath Marg, Delhi                                                               .............Respondent

          Sh. Kapil Kumar Aggarwal filed a complaint dated 08.07.2015 in the Office of Chief Commissioner of Disability, Government of India which was forwarded to this office.  The complaint pertained to various demands for implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 with focus on following points: -
                     I.        Ensure rehabilitation of persons with disabilities through Vocational Rehabilitation Centres DGE& T, Ministry of Labour and employment, Government of India and compliance of 3 % reservation in government services.

            II.        Directorate of Health Services, Government of NCT of Delhi should simplify process of disability assessment and issuance of certificates based on the guidelines and Gazette Notification Regd. DL 33004/99 (Extraordinary) Part-II, section-I, June 13th 2001, issued by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.

           III.        Notification on reservation for job seekers should be ensured by Special Employment Exchange, Directorate of Employment, Government of NCT of Delhi under different special employment exchanges. 

3.    The matter was taken up vide letter dated 20.07.2015 with the Department of Social Welfare, Health and Family Welfare Department, Directorate of Employment, Government of NCT of Delhi.  As no response was received despite reminders dated 10.08.2015, 03.09.2015, a hearing was scheduled 12.10.2015 and the concerned Departments were directed to submit Action Taken Report on the issues flagged by the Complainant.  Action Taken Reports were submitted by Directorate of Social Welfare, Health and Family Welfare and Directorate of Employment, Government of NCT of Delhi. On the instructions of Health and Family Welfare Department, various hospitals registered for issuance of Disability Certificate also submitted reports about the status of each hospital separately.
 4.    The Complainant appeared before the State Commissioner on 07.12.2017 in connection with some issues. During the meeting, this case was also discussed.  He submitted that since the replies from the respondents have been received, the case may be closed.  He was advised to send an e-mail to this effect and if the e-mail was not received by 12.12.2017, case would be closed.
 5.    As no email has been received from the complainant till date; the complaint is closed and disposed of.
 6.    Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 22nd day of December, 2017.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

P.S. Dhama Vs. North Delhi Municipal Corporation & Anr | Case No. 4/1348/2016-Wel./CD/3366-68 | Dated:16.12.2017

In the Court of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-23216002-04, Telefax: 23216005
[Vested with power of Civil Court under the Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995]

Case No. 4/1348/2016-Wel./CD/3366-68                                    Dated:16.12.2017

In the matter of:

Sh. P.S. Dhama,
President, Joint Front of PwD & OBC Teacher’s Association Delhi,
G-63, MCD Colony Dhaka, Kingsway Camp,
New Delhi-110009                                                                 ……… Complainant     
The Commissioner,
North Delhi Municipal Corporation,
4th Floor, SPMC Civic Centre,
New Delhi-110002                                                                      ....…Respondent

The Director,
Central Establishment Department,
North Delhi Municipal Corporation,
Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre,
New Delhi -110002.                                                                     ........Respondent

                  The above named complainant, a person with 40 % locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 19.07.2016 submitted that he is working as Principal in School of North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North DMC).  He was transferred out under some conspiracy on 03.11.2015.  The entire staff and parents requested for cancellation of his transfer.  However, the then Dy.Director(Education) relieved him on 04.12.2015 and suspended him without giving him any opportunity.  He was again suddenly transferred on 18.07.2017 and was relieved on the same day. He further submitted that he is entitled to be transferred to a place close to his house as per the instructions. However, he was being discriminated against and harassed.  He also submitted that he had filed a complaint before the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and this Court as his grievances were not redressed by the senior officers of  MCD.  Because of his complaint, the Corporation had to fill the back log of reserved vacancies in the post of Principal.  He also alleged discrimination in the matter of look after charge and Current Duty Charge on the ground of his disability.   He requested that his relieving order dated 18.08.2016 should be set aside. 

2.               The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 05.08.2016 followed by reminders dated 10.10.2016 and 29.11.2016.  The respondent submitted an Interim Report on 05.11.2016 and stated that on the basis of complaints of two female teachers, a memo dated 29.06.2016 was issued to the complainant.  After considering the facts of the matter, the competent authority ordered his transfer immediately to a boys school.  He was therefore, transferred and relieved to MCPS Wazirpur Industrial Area, C-II vide order dated 18.07.2016.  The complainant was suspended on 04.01.2016 for disobedience of official orders, misconduct and obstruction of official work while working as Principal in MCPS Dheerpur.  He was later on reinstated and posted in MCPS, Parmanand Colony on 14.01.2016.  As regards his promotion to the post of School Inspector,  the respondent submitted that it was in the ambit of Central Establishment Department / North DMC.  All his representations were forwarded to DDE(Admn.) Education Deptt., North DMC for further necessary action. The said post is a Group A Post.

3.               The respondent vide letter dated 14.02.2017 added that the Look After Charge (LAC) of School Inspectors is purely a temporary arrangement to deal with the shortfall of school Inspectors for the smooth functioning of the Department. Under the North DMC, the charge of LAC has been assigned to senior most eligible headmasters as all the School Inspectors-LAC working with North DMC are senior  Headmasters than the complainant.  The EDMC or SDMC have their own arrangement. Seniority of Headmasters of three DMCs is common and is being finalized.  As regards request of the complainant for transfer to EDMC, the same is done on mutual basis which  was under the jurisdiction of Director Local Bodies. The respondent further informed that a departmental enquiry was pending against the complainant and his promotion to the post of SI can be considered only after the enquiry in the case is over and the RRs to the post are notified.

4.               A copy of the reply of the respondent was sent to the complainant vide letter dated 06.03.2017 at his address – G-63, MCD Colony Dhaka, Kingsway Camp, New Delhi followed by  reminder dated 02.08.2017 vide which he was advised to  submit his comments if any, by 10.08.2017 failing which the case would  be closed. Till date no response whatsoever has been received from the complainant.  In view of this, the complaint is closed.

                  Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 13th day  of December, 2017.     

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
                                                            Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities