Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Sh. Ram Naul Tyagi Vs. Directorate of Economics & Statistics | Case No. 4/1098/2015-Wel-CD/5893-95 | Dated: 05.03.2018

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No.  4/1098/2015-Wel-CD/5893-95                                  Dated: 05.03.2018

In the matter of:

Sh. Ram Naul Tyagi
Retired Head Clerk
R/O H.No. 286, Gali Mangal Bazar
Vill. Post Burai, Delhi -110084                                         ...............Petitioner
The Director
Directorate of Economics & Statistics
GNCT of Delhi
3rd Floor, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan –II
Near Metcalf House, New Delhi -110054                        ...................Respondent


            Sh. Ram Naul Tyagi, a person with blindness vide his representation addressed to Pr. Secretary (Planning) forwarded with his e.Mail dated 02.09.2017 alleged harassment by Dy. Director, Dr. Shikha Anand, HOO, DES.  The complainant submitted that he was working as UDC in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Dr. Shikha Anand, DD and Head of Office shouted and rebuked him on 18.02.2015 and 18.02.2016.  She used derogatory language about his disability.  She also frequently taunted him that his disability certificate was fake.  The other issue was about rejection of his travel claim by Dr. Anand despite the fact that journey had been verified by the Office Superintendent.  A complaint dated 22.12.2015 along with a letter dated 07.01.2016 of Association for Rights for Disabled Persons addressed to Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities was also received from the court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities vide letter dated 29.02.2016.  It has been stated therein that Dr. Shikha Anand was selected for the post of Director in the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, though a case was pending against her in the court of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of NCT of Delhi.  The said complaint was also forwarded to the respondent vide communication dated 03.06. 2016.

2.         The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 8.9.2015. 

3.         The respondent vide letter dated 23.09.2015 informed that a committee of Sh. D.B. Gupta, DD and Shaan-E-Alam AD of Directorate of Economic Services was constituted to go through the complaint.  The Committee submitted a preliminary fact finding report dated 21.09.2015.  As per the report, the allegation regarding misbehaviour by Dr. Shikha Anand was not proved as the complainant could not provide any proof.  Head of Office in turn alleged that the complainant had misbehaved with her on several occasions and used foul language.  However, keeping in view the dignity of the post and the age of the petitioner and to keep office atmosphere cordial, she only informed the Head of Department and did not issue any Memo to him.  As regards his transport/conveyance bills, Dr. Shikha Anand, Head of Office had personally instructed the complainant to use the official vehicle instead of auto for outdoor duty.  Hence she refused to clear the said bill, though the Office Superintendent had verified the bill.  After receipt of the complaint, the Head of Department instructed that the complainant may not be assigned any outdoor duty. 

4.         A hearing was held on 20.06.2016. The complainant requested for an independent enquiry.  It was observed that preliminary enquiry did not record the statement of the complainant and the persons present in the office during the incident.  The respondent was directed to make the payment of conveyance bills vide ROPs dated 23.06.2016. 

5.         In compliance, the respondent directed Sh. D.B. Gupta, DD and Sh. Shan-E-Alam, the then Asstt. Director to furnish the supplementary report vide Office order dated 6.7.2016.  The complainant was also asked to submit the names of the persons present in the office during the incidence vide letter dated 13.07.2017.  After reminders the complainant vide his letter dated 19.08.2106 intimated that Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC of Caretaking Unit was present at the time of the incident. 

6.         The respondent vide letter dated 6.09.2016 submitted a fact finding report alongwith the statement of Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC and answer to the questions asked by the Committee.  The contents of the said letter are reproduced below:

Sub:  Supplementary Fact Finding Report regarding harassment case against Dr. Shikha Anand (Ex-Dy. Director/HOO) filed by Sh. R.N. Tyagi (Retired Head Clerk) before the court of Commissioner for Persons with Disability, GNCTD.
Ref. Case No. 4/1098/2015-Wel/CD/481-82, dated 23.06.2016.
It is stated that a fact finding committee consisting of Sh. D.B. Gupta, Dy. Director, Planning Department and Sh. Shan-E-Alam, Dy. Director, DES is constituted in the above said matter to furnish supplementary report, Sh. R.N. Tyagi, (Retired Head Clerk)had been asked to submit the names of the persons who were present at the time of incident reported by him vide this office letter dated 13.07.2016.
Sh. R.N. Tyagi appeared personally before Sh. Shan-E-Alam, Dy. Director and expressed his wish to settle the matter with the mutual consent.  Accordingly, it was conveyed to Dr. Shikha Anand, Director, DGET, M/o Labour & Employment, Government of India.  It was decided to hold a meeting on mutually agreed date and time i.e. on 28.07.2016 at 4,00 p.m. in the DES.  Dr. Shikha Anand attended the meeting, however, Sh. R.N. Tyagi could not attend the meeting and also switched off his mobile during the scheduled time of the meeting. 
A letter dated 12.08.2016 was again sent to Sh. R.N. Tyagi requesting him to submit the names of the persons present in the office during the incident reported by him in his complaint.
Sh. R.N. Tyagi submitted name of Sh. R.N. Tyagi requesting him to submit the names of the persons present in the office during the incident vide his letter dated 19.08.2016.  Further vide letter dated 24.08.2016, the committee requested to the said witness to present at a hearing regarding this incident on 26.08.2016 at 4.30 PM in the room of Sh. D.B. Gupta, Dy. Director, Planning Department, 6th Level, B-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
Sh. Santosh Kumar attended for hearing on the prescribed date and time and a statement in writing was submitted by him which is enclosed herewith for kind perusal.  Further, the committee have also asked some relevant questions to Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC and his answers to the questions given in his own handwriting is also enclosed herewith for kind perusal.  On the basis of testimony of Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC in the present case, this Committee has arrived at the opinion that allegations made by Sh. R.N. Tyagi in his complaint is not supporting the version of the complainant.

7.         The respondent also informed that the payment of conveyance bills amounting to Rs. 510/- had been made. 

8.         Vide his letter dated 15.01.2018 the complainant alleged that the supplementary inquiry was conducted by the subordinates of Dr. Shikha Anand and requested to dismiss the fact finding report submitted by them.  He also alleged that neither the complainant was called nor his statement was recorded and the report which was based on the statement of Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC, was not forwarded to him.  A hearing was therefore scheduled on 22.02.2108.

9.         During the hearing the complainant reiterated, that the two officers who conducted the enquiry were biased against him and therefore, enquiry should be conducted by an outside agency.  Dr. Shikha Anand, who is a Director in DGET, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, should be called and interrogated. 

10.       The representatives of the respondent submitted that the enquiry report is based on the written statement of Sh. Santosh Kumar, LDC who was identified as a witness by the complainant himself.  Hence, the report is based on facts.  Since, the conveyance amount has also been paid to the complainant, the case should be closed. 

11.       Subsequently, the complainant requested to inspect the case file and to see the statement of Sh. Santosh Kumar as he suspected that his statement may have been modified.  The complainant was informed that he could inspect the papers contained in the file on any working day.   Sh. Santosh Kumar visited this court on 27.02.2018 at 3.45 p.m.  He was shown his written statement dated 26.08.2016 and answers to the questions given to him by the Enquiry Committee.  He confirmed that the said statement and answers were indeed written by him and there was no pressure of any kind to make the statement.  He reconfirmed that Dr. Shikha Anand did tell him that she did not want Sh. Tyagi to enter her room and she did not like him and he should not enter her room in future also.  He denied that Dr. Shikha Anand used any derogatory remarks around his disability like ‘Andha’.

12.       During the hearing, it was observed that the complainant was feeling extremely hurt and humiliated because of the treatment meted out to him by Dr. Shikha Anand.  It is however, difficult for an employee to put together the evidence in support of such incidents that may happen at work place.  It would be extremely difficult even for Committee comprising officers from outside the Department to prove such incidents beyond doubt.  Unfortunately, the attempt made by the department to make the parties sit together did not succeed as the complainant could not reach the place.  However, it is always possible to work towards sensitizing all concerned on the issues relating to the dignity of persons with disabilities.   Section 3 (i) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2016 mandates the appropriate government to ensure persons with disabilities enjoy the right to equality, life with dignity and respect for his or integrity equally with others.  Section 92 of the said Act also provides for punishment for intentionally insulting or intimidating with intent to humiliate a person with disability in any place within public view.  In the light of the circumstances of this case, a copy of this order is being sent to Dr. Shikha Anand, Director, DGET to introspect on the issue and be magnanimous to reach out to the complainant to assuage his hurt feelings and reassure him of equal treatment.

13.       The complaint is disposed off.       

14.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 28th day of February, 2018.
(T.D. Dhariyal )
                                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
Encl: As above 

Copy to:

Dr. Shikha Anand, Director, DGET. M/o Labour and Employment, Government of India, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Delhi with reference to para no. 12 of this order

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

T.R. Sharma Vs. Commissioner North Delhi Municipal Corporation | Case No. 13/1022/2017/10/5859-60 | Dated: 27.02.2018

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 13/1022/2017/10/5859-60                             Dated: 27.02.2018

In the matter of:

Sh. T.R. Sharma
JSA (LDC), Education Department
Civil Lines Zone, Delhi-110054                                ................ Complainant

The Commissioner
North Delhi Municipal Corporation
Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre
New Delhi-110002                                                 ………...…Respondent

          The above named complainant, a person with visual impairment filed a complaint dated 23.10.2017 in which he alleged that he was transferred from Civil Line Zone to Keshav Puram Zone which is far away from his home. 
2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent on 30.10.2017 followed by hearing notice dated 18.11.2017.  In the mean time,s a reply was received from the respondent vide letter No. AC/A.S.O-IV/CED/NDMC/2017 dated 21.12.2017.  As per the said letter, the grievance of the complainant about his posting has been considered by the North DMC and he has been retained in Education/CLZ vide office order No. S.O-I/CED/NDMC/2017/2735 Dated 27.11.2017. 

3.      The above reply was forwarded to the complainant on 12.01.2018 with advice to submit his comments, if any, within 10 days failing which the matter would be treated as closed.

2.      No communication from the complainant has been received till date. Accordingly, the complainant is closed and disposed off.

3.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 27th day of February, 2017.     

                                                                                          (T.D. Dhariyal)
                          State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Neeta Sarkar & 2 others Vs. Dte of Social Welfare | Case No. 4/1658/2017-Wel/CD/5862-64 | Dated: 27.02.2018

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1658/2017-Wel/CD/5862-64                 Dated: 27.02.2018

In the matter of:

Ms. Neeta Sarkar,
D-370, Indra Park
Najafgarh, Delhi-110043.                                    …… Complainant   No.1  

Mrs. Sulata Sarkar
D-370, Indra Park,
Najafgarh, Delhi-110043.                                    ……. Complainant No.2

Sh. Bhanu Gopal Sarkar,
D-370, Indra Park,
Najafgarh, Delhi-110043.                                    …….Complainant  No.3

The Director,
Directorate of Social Welfare
Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate,
New Delhi-110002.                                                     …...…Respondent


               Ms. Neeta Sarkar, D/o of B.G. Sarkar, a person with mental illness  vide her complaint dated 27.05.2017 submitted that she had not received Handicapped financial assistance for the month of April, 2017 though she submitted her Aadhaar  Card to the Union Bank of India, Najafgarh.  Ms. Sulata Sarkar, W/o Shri B.G. Sarkar, a person with mental illness vide her complaint dated 23.06.2017 also submitted that she was not getting her Handicapped Pension from April 2017 due to negligence of the officials of Social Welfare Department. The complaints were taken up with the respondent  vide notice date 27.07.2017 & 23.08.2017 respectively.

2.           Vide letter dated 23.08.2017 & 26.09.2017, Social Welfare Department submitted the following  status of the cases:

“Ms. Neeta Sarkar: Pension has been remitted regularly.  Her Aadhaar  has been linked with her account in Union Bank of India on 13.04.2017  and after that the enhanced pension @ Rs/ 2500/- p.m., the payment of Rs. 5000/- (April & May 2017) on 16.06.2017 and Rs. 5000/- (June and July 2017) on 03.08.2017 has been released into her Aadhaar linked account number 0488 Union Bank of India through PFMS.

Ms. Sulata Sarkar: Payment of Rs. 5000/- for the month of April and May 2017 was released on 06.06.2017 through PFMS and same was returned with the reason of inactive Aadhaar.  Therefore, the returned amount of Rs. 5000/-  alongwith the payment for next two months i.e. June & July 2017 Rs. 3000/- (@ Rs. 1500/- p.m. Aadhaar  is not linked with her bank account) have been released on 25.08.2017 through ECS (Electronic Clearing System of RBI) by this department into her banck account no. 691502010010498 Union Bank of India, Roshan Pura, Najafgarh.

At present her Aadhaar  is not linked with any bank.  To receive enhanced pension beneficiary may get Aadhaar  linked with her bank account. 

*Aadhaar  Bank linking status can be found on the mobile app by dialing *99*99# and giving Aadhaar  number.  Information about the bank to which the Aadhaar  is linked currently as well as date of linking as well as date of linking is provided through this method.”

3.           The above letters were forwarded to the complainants for comments if any vide letter dated 27.10.2017.  Though no comments were received, Sh. B.G Sarkar, was heard on 22.02.2018. He confirmed that Ms. Neeta Sarkar and Ms. Sulata Sarkar are now getting the increased disability pension @ Rs. 2500/- per month and this case can be closed. He also recorded his statement to this effect.   The issue of linking their Aadhaar to the account in Union Bank of India is the subject matter of another case.  Hence, the complaint is closed.

4.           Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 26st  day of February,  2018.                                     

                                                                                       (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

View the digitally signed PDF order here:

Friday, February 23, 2018

Sanjeevan Bharti Vs. DSSSB | Case No. 4/1350/2016-Wel./CD/5505-06 | Dated: 22.02.2018

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/1350/2016-Wel./CD/5505-06                          Dated: 22.02.2018

In the matter of:

Sh. Sanjeevan Bharti
RZ-61 A, I Block
West Sagarpur,
New Delhi-110046                                             ................ Complainant
The Chairman,
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board,
FC-18, Institutional Area,
Delhi-110092                                                     ………...…Respondent
Date of Hearing  19.02.2018
Present:              None for Complainant
Sh. N. Venkataraman, ASO and Sh. Hari Kishan Sr. Asstt. on behalf of the Respondent.


          The above named complainant, a person with 75% locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 27/28.07.2016 submitted that the respondent advertised vacancies for the post of TGT vide advertisement No. 02/2012. Three vacancies of TGT (English) Male (Post Code 106/12) were reserved for persons with disabilities (OH-01 VH-02). The Tier-I examination was conducted on 28.12.2014 and he scored 82.05 % marks with Roll No. 42000002.  As per the  Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) Public Notice dated 12.02.2016, he was ranked at 21 in the Open Merit list among all the candidates of all categories and he was the only candidate with disability who qualified in the said examination.  During the document verification on 05.02.2016, he was declared not eligible for the reason that he passed CTET after cutoff date.  He further submitted that he qualified the elementary stage CTET twice on 23.01.2014 & 09.10.2014, which was before the date of  examination. 

2.      The complainant also cited an order of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities dated 21.04.2016  in case No. 4884/1014/2015. In the said Order, CCPD directed the National Institute of Virology, ICMR to consider the appointment of Sh. Dhananjay S. Survase, the complainant in that case to the post of Library & Information  Assistant by relaxing the standards. 

3.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 12.08.2016 followed by reminders dated 10.10.2016, 29.01.2016.  The respondent vide letter dated 16.12.2016 informed that the candidature of the complainant was rejected for having qualified CTET after cutoff date. The eligibility of the candidate in all respect including his CTET qualification is required to be decided as on the crucial date i.e. 15.06.2012.  Vide another letter dated 12.01.2017, the respondent submitted that the Board was considering the proposal for giving one time relaxation to all such candidates who qualified CTET after the cutoff date but are otherwise eligible in all other aspects so that remaining vacancies in some of the post codes can be filled up where qualified candidates are not available in the corresponding merit list.  The case of the complainant would be decided as per the outcome of the decision in the said proposal.

4.      The response of the respondent was sent to the complainant for his rejoinder vide letter dated 01.03.2017 which was received back undelivered due to some error in the address.  Hearings were thereafter held on 16.11.2017, 18.12.2017 & 29.01.2018.  None appeared on behalf of the respondent on those dates. 

5.      It was observed that the complainant was the only candidate with locomotor disability who was called for document verification. He had  qualified CTET examination on 16.02.2014, the result of which was declared on  21.03.2014 and the last date for receipt of applications seeking inclusion of names was 30.08.2014 as per a communication dated 12.08.2014 of DSSSB.  Additionally, the complainant would not be eligible even for applying for the post in future as he had become overage. In light of these facts, this court advised that if no other person  with locomotor disability who had qualified CTET before the cutoff date was available, it would be worthwhile to recommend the complainant for appointment in the light of Para 22 of DoP&T OM dated 29.12.2005  which provides for relaxation of standard of suitability in respect of persons with disabilities vide RoP dated 31.01.2018.  As no one appeared on behalf of the respondent on 16.11.2017, 18.12.2017 and 29.01.2018, reason as to why the concerned officers did not comply with the notice of hearing dated 27.10.2017, RoP dated 16.11.2017 and 26.12.2017 was sought and the matter was scheduled for hearing on 19.01.2018.

6.      During the hearing on 19.01.2018, the representatives of the respondent submitted a letter dated 16.02.2018 which says that at the time of filing reply dated 12.01.2017, the competent authority of DSSSB was of the opinion to moot a proposal for seeking one time relaxation in date of passing of CTET for all such candidates in general particularly for the post codes, for which there were difficulties in filling up of vacancies due to non-availability of  candidates with CTET before cut off date who were otherwise eligible.  However, the proposal for grant of relaxation in CTET did not materialise and therefore no candidate was given relaxation.  It seems that the suggestion for relaxation has not been examined in consultation with the Directorate of Education, which is the indenting Department and the appointing authority.  The representative of the respondent submitted that they may be given some time to examine  DoP&T’s instructions and to consult Directorate of Education for relaxation in date of passing CTET.  They also stated that the RoP dated 16.11.2017 was not received by the concerned Branch and therefore, the matter could not be examined.

7.  Although DoP&T’s instructions of 2005 as well as Para 11 of the latest instructions issued vide OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15.01.2018 provide for relaxation of standard of suitability, in the light of the fact that the complainant possessed all the qualifications including CTET before the date of examination and a reserved vacancy for persons with locomotor disability has remained unfilled, it is recommended that  DSSSB should refer the matter to Education Department, GNCTD for a sympathetic consideration of the complainant for appointment to the post of TGT (English) by relaxing the date of passing CTET.  A positive decision to appoint him will also enable Department of Education to fill up a reserved vacancy by a well qualified person with disability.  The decision on the recommendation be taken within three months from the date of receipt of this Order and this court be informed as required under Section 81 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

8.      The matter is disposed off accordingly.

9.  Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 21st day of February, 2018.     

                                                                                       (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

View the digitally signed PDF order here:     

Friday, February 9, 2018

Julie Vs. DM, District North Alipur | Case No. 4/868/2015-Wel/CD/5037-40 | Dated: 08.02.2018

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 4/868/2015-Wel/CD/5037-40                   Dated: 08.02.2018

In the matter of:

Ms. Julie,
D/o Sh. Ramdev,
Khasna No. 22, Mother Home, GTK Road,
Libaspur, New Delhi-110042.                                .……… Complainant     

The District Magistrate,
District Magistrate Office Complex,
District North, Alipur, Delhi-110036.                           .....…Respondent
Email: SDM (Alipur) - sdmalipur@gmail.com

              Sh. Ramdev Father of Ms. Julie, vide his complaint dated 23.12.2014 submitted that his daughter was going to Mother Home, Khasra No. 22, GTK Road, Libaspur, New Delhi-110042 for education and rehabilitation for the last 10 years.  He is poor and belongs to SC community and the entire family is illiterate.  As he keeps shifting from one place to another, he has given Mother Home address for communication.

2.           The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide communication dated 13.01.2015 whereafter one Sh. Dilip Kumar R/o  Khasra No.22, Karuna Path, GTK Road, Libaspur, Delhi-110042 vide his letter 13.04.2015 enquired about the status of the case.  As there was no response even after exchange of a number of correspondence, it was decided to hold a hearing on 07.02.2018.
 3.          During the hearing on 07.02.2015, the representative who appeared on behalf of the respondent submitted a letter dated 05.02.2018 from Ms. Ira Singhal, SDM (Alipur), Delhi, as per which the documents pertaining to the case were not traceable in her office. Therefore, the field staff was directed to visit the complainant at the given address.  However, it was reported that the complainant did not reside at the given address.  She has therefore, requested that the complainant may be directed to provide a copy of the representation of the complainant to take necessary action.

4.           Sh. Dilip Kumar, who appeared on behalf of the complainant, Sh. Ramdev, father of Ms. Julie submitted that Ms. Julie lives with her parents at Yadav Nagar. Her parents shift from one place to another.  Hence have no permanent address. She regularly visits the Mother Home for various activities being conducted for persons with disabilities including those with intellectual disabilities.  However, at the time the concerned officials visited the Mother Home, he was not present and the staff of the home could not give full facts. 

5.           It is observed that the certificate issued by NIMH, Regional Centre, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi is not a valid disability certificate as it has not been issued by an authorised medical authority notified by the Central Govt. or the State Govt.     Sh. Dilip Kumar has therefore been advised to help the parents of Ms. Julie in obtaining the disability certificate in respect of Ms. Julie from the Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBAS).  He has assured to arrange the visit to IHBAS alongwith required documents as per Rule 17(2) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 within a month for assessment of disability of Ms. Julie and certification.

6.           Director, IHBAS is advised to arrange assessment of disability of Ms. Julie and issue disability certificate if she is eligible, within one month from the date she visits the hospital.

7.           Sh. Dilip Kumar has also been advised to get in touch with Sh. Kailash Singh, Patwari to complete the required formalities for appointment of legal guardian in respect of Ms. Julie immediately after obtaining a valid disability certificate.   The representative of the respondent has also been given a set of papers available in the case file. 

8.           The respondent is advised to take necessary measures for appointment of legal guardian in respect of Ms. Julie under the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 at the earliest.  Necessary action for sanction of benefits such as disability pension, travel concession, etc. under various schemes meant for persons with disabilities be also taken through the concerned District Social Welfare Officer of Social Welfare Department.  Status report on receipt of disability certificate, sanction of benefits, application for guardianship certificate and appointment of legal guardian be submitted as soon as the relevant action is taken and an action taken report be finally submitted to this Court within three months from the date of receipt of this order as required under Section 81 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Sh. Dilip Kumar is also advised to intimate to this Court/concerned authority, the status and difficulty if any, faced at any stage.

9.           Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 08th day of February, 2018.

           (T.D. Dhariyal )
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
Copy to:1.    The Director, Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences, Jhilmil Colony, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095 for information and necessary action.
2.   Director(Social Welfare), GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate, New Delhi for issuing necessary direction to the concerned District Social Welfare Officer.

View the digitally signed PDF Order here: