Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Vipin Kumar & Mahinder Singh Vs. Delhi Transport Corporation & Anr | Case No. 604/1146/2018/11/891-894 | Dated:18.02.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

1.    Case No. 604/1146/2018/11/891-894                                        Dated:18.02.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Vipin Kumar
A-91, Gali No. 2, Phase-IV,
Gautam Vihar, Shiv Vihar,
Delhi-110094.                                                      .............. Complainant

2.    Case No. 607/1146/2018/11

In the matter of:

Sh. Mahinder Singh
H-93, Mangolpuri,
Delhi-110083.                                                         ..………Complainant


The Managing Director,
Delhi Transport Corporation
Office at DTC HQ, I.P. Estate,
New Delhi-110002.                                      …...…Respondent (1)

The Secretary
Directorate of Employment (HQ)
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
IARI Complex, Pusa,
New Delhi-110012.                                    ………Respondent (2)

Date of Hearing    14.02.2019

Present:      Sh. Vipin Kumar and Sh. Mahinder Singh, Complainants in person.
Sh. Chander Prakash, Dy. CGM (Pers)-I for Respondent no. 1.
Sh. Pawan Kumar, SREO (DC) alongwith Smt. Anuradha Mittal, DEO for Respondent no. 2.

The above named complainants, Sh. Vipin Kumar (59% locomotor disability) and Sh. Mahender (68% locomotor disability) vide their complaints dated 14.11.2018 submitted that their names were forwarded by Directorate of Employment for the post of Conductor in DTC under the category of Ph candidates for which the interview was scheduled on 09.08.2018.  They were also given second opportunity for interview on 02.11.2018.  They had valid registration numbers with the Directorate of Employment and as per the list forwarded by the Directorate of Employment, their names appeared in the list of candidates with disabilities.  However, when they reported for interview on 02.11.2018, they were informed that their names were not in the list of candidates with disabilities. 
2.       The complaints were taken up with the respondent under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 hereinafter referred to as ‘Act’ vide notice dated 05.12.2018 followed by reminder dated 08.01.2019.  Deputy Manager (PER) DTC vide reply dated 03.01.2019 submitted as under :
               Kindly refer to your office letter No. 604/1146/2018/11/12665 dated 5.12.2018 along with complaint of Shri Vipin Kumar and Shri Mahinder Singh for the post of conductor in DTC and asked for Action Taken Report on the complaint.   
     In this context, it is informed that Delhi Transport Corporation has given requisition of 2000 vacancies for the post of Conductor on short term contract in 2010 and 2017 through on line process to the Directorate of Employment. The Directorate of Employment, GNCTD provided the lists of candidates with registration ID numbers for the post of Conductor on short term contract through on line process. The work of registration/category/allotment of registration ID number with details  of candidate  is exclusive the subject matter of Employment Exchange/Directorate of Employment and the Corporation is considering the candidates sponsored by the Directorate of Employment in order of registration ID Numbers under said category   for the post of Conductor on short term contract.  As per Govt. Instructions, there is no reservation in contractual engagement.

        In the cases of Shri Vipin Kumar Regd. ID No.2009178450) and Shri Mahinder Singh (Regd. ID No.2009459241) were shown in the category of S/Caste in the list supplied by the Directorate of Employment, GNCTD and as such, they appeared for screening of documents on 2.11.18 and 23.8.18 and the Screening Committee found them eligible for the post of conductor on short term contract. As per laid down procedure, they were directed for medical examination as per prescribed medical standards for the said post and they were found Unfit for the post of Conductor by DTC Medical Board.  Photo-copies of the Screening Committee and medical examination reports of both complainants are sent herewith for kind perusal.

               From the above, it appeared that there is no lapse on the part of this Corporation. However, in the fresh list supplied by Directorate of Employment, their names have appeared in PH category also.  DTC is now sending a fresh requisition to Directorate of Employment regarding filling up the post of Conductors on short term contract under PH quota.  After received the updated list from Directorate of Employment, DTC will re-process the case of Shri Vipin Kumara and Shri  Mahinder Singh.      
                                                                                                       Yours  faithfully,
Encl:- As above                                                                   
( M.S.Kataria )
Dy. Manager (Pers.)”
3.       As per the reply dated 04.01.2019 of Directorate of Employment, the employment ID 2009178450 and 2009459241 pertain to Sh. Vipin Kumar and Sh. Mahender Singh.  Their names were sponsored against the vacancy ID 2017001090 for the post of DTC Bus Conductor.  The names of Sh. Vipin Kumar appeared at serial no. 139 in PH category and at serial no. 2361 in SC category in the list sent on 07.12.2017 and at serial no. 134 in PH category and at serial no. 7232 in SC category in the list sent on 22.10.2018.  The name of Sh. Mahender Singh appeared at serial no. 154 in ph category and at serial no. 5885 in SC category in the list sent on 07.12.2017 and at serial no. 230 in PH category and at serial no. 20012 in SC category in the list of 22.10.2018. The Department does not play any role in the recruitment/ call letters/ interview process for the employers.  
4.       Upon considering the submissions of the parties, a hearing was scheduled on 14.02.2019.
5.       During the hearing, the parties reiterated their written submissions.  Sh. Chander Prakash, Dy. CGM (PER)-I added that the names of the complainants were checked in the computer screen and print outs were taken which did not show their names in the list of ph category.  They even sent an email on 19.11.2018 to Directorate of Employment that their names appeared in SC list but not in the list of ph category.  He also informed that about 33 vacancies of Conductor on contract basis under PH quota are yet to be filled.  Due to some technical issues in the portal of Department of Employment, they are not able to place requisition for list of PH candidates.  As soon as the list is available, the process of recruitment would start.  He however, expressed the reservation on the applicability of reservation for persons with disabilities in contractual appointments.
6.       Sh. Pawan Kumar, SREO stated that the data in the list might have been changed at the end of DTC probably in downloading the file.  At their end, they were able to see the names of the complainants in the list of ph candidates. 
7.       The complainants deposed and clarified during the hearing that they were not approached by any person for any extraneous consideration.  Therefore, from the submissions of the parties and the discussion during the hearing, it appears that the names of the complainants did not show in list of PH candidates due to some technical error.  Since the vacancies were reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities, had the complainant’s names appeared in the list of candidates with benchmark disabilities for the post of Conductor on contract basis, they would have been selected and appointed as both the complainants have valid conductor license, first aid certificate and requisite educational qualification.  However, due to the error in the process of transmission of data, downloading it, they got deprived of the appointment. 
8.       In the context of the submissions on behalf of DTC, it is in the fitness of things to refer to the provision under Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which came into force on 19 April 2017.  The said provision is reproduced below:
34.   Reservation.—(1) Every appropriate Government shall appoint in every Government establishment, not less than four per cent. of the total number of vacancies in the cadre strength in each group of posts meant to be filled with persons with benchmark disabilities of which, one per cent. each shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (a), (b) and (c) and one per cent. for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (d) and (e), namely:—
(a) blindness and low vision;
(b) deaf and hard of hearing;
(c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy;
(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;
(e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disabilities:
Provided that the reservation in promotion shall be in accordance with such instructions as are issued by the appropriate Government from time to time:
Provided further that the appropriate Government, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner or the State Commissioner, as the case may be, may, having regard to the type of work carried out in any Government establishment, by notification and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in such notifications exempt any Government establishment from the provisions of this section.
(2)       Where in any recruitment year any vacancy cannot be filled up due to non-availability of a suitable person with benchmark disability or for any other sufficient reasons, such vacancy shall be carried forward in the succeeding recruitment year and if in the succeeding recruitment year also suitable person with benchmark disability is not available, it may first be filled by interchange among the five categories and only when there is no person with disability available for the post in that year, the employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person, other than a person with disability:
Provided that if the nature of vacancies in an establishment is such that a given category of person cannot be employed, the vacancies may be interchanged among the five categories with the prior approval of the appropriate Government. 17
(3)       The appropriate Government may, by notification, provide for such relaxation of upper age limit for employment of persons with benchmark disability, as it thinks fit.”
9.       Prior to coming into effect of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 was in force.  Section 33 of that Act had a similar provision except that the quantum of reservation was 3% instead of 4%.  Neither Section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 nor Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 distinguished between an appointment on regular, long term, short term, contract, ad-hoc etc. basis.   Reservation is to be provided against the vacancies that are filled.  As per OM no. 27/4/67/(II) and Estt./(SCT) dated 24.09.1968 of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, reservation orders should apply to all temporary employments which are to last for 45 days or more.  Accordingly, with effect from the date of issue of the said OM, reservation for SCs and STs was instructed to be made in all temporary appointments except appointments which are to last less than 45 days.  In 1968, neither the above mentioned socially beneficial Acts existed nor was there any provision for reservation of vacancies for persons with disabilities. The p urpose of providing for reservation is to ensure that persons with disabilities are given their share in whatever type of employment is available for the citizens of the country.  Considering the purpose and spirit of enacting the said socially beneficial Act, there can be no reason why a principle applicable to candidates belonging to SC and ST category on the same issue, should not apply to persons with disabilities who are in a more disadvantageous position and in case of the complainants, they are doubly disadvantaged as they also belong to SC category.  The purpose of making a provision for reservation for persons with disabilities must therefore be understood in the right perspective which is to economically empower them and to ensure them a dignified life.  Reservation of vacancies in appointments and employment is one of the means to fulfil these objectives. 
10.     In view of the above discussion, I recommend that DTC should consider the complainants and other eligible candidates with benchmark disabilities for whom the post of Conductor has been identified against the reserved vacancies of conductor including on contract basis in accordance with the provisions of the Act as expeditiously as possible particularly because, but for the technical/human error, they would have been appointed in November, 2018 itself.  Any further delay in their appointment shall deprive them of their legitimate right which must be avoided at all costs.
11.     Action taken on the above recommendation be intimated to this Court within three months from the date of receipt of this order as required under section 81 of the Act.
12.     The complaints are disposed off.
13.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 18th February, 2019.

                                                                           (T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Dr. Ankit Seth Vs. North Delhi Municipal Corporation | Case No. 382/1081/2018/07/903-904 | Dated: 18.02.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 382/1081/2018/07/903-904                         Dated: 18.02.2019

In the matter of:
Dr. Ankit Seth
E-80, Thomson Road, MCD Flats,
Minto Road,
New Delhi-110002.                                             ……………..Complainant


The Commissioner,
North Delhi Municipal Corporation,
Dr. SPM Civic Cetre, J.LN. Marg,
New Delhi-110002.                                               ..…………..Respondent

Date of hearing:    28.01.2019
Present:              Sh.Vijender Kumar,  S.O. and Sanjeev Kumar, ASO on behalf of the Respondent.


The above named complainant, a person with 75% locomotor disability vide his complaint 29.05.2018 received from the Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities on 10.07.2018 submitted that he is working as Chief Medical Officer in North DMC and lives in MCD accommodation at Minto Road since 2007 with his aged and ailing parents. MCD has issued a notice to him to vacate the flat within three months on the pretext of redevelopment of the property without allotting him any alternative accommodation.  The complainant inter-alia alleged that while his application was pending for alternative accommodation, a ground floor flat No. D1/1 at Rajpur Road was allotted to another officer.  He requested for allotment of another ground floor flat D1/2 which was  likely to fall vacant at Rajpur Road and is suitable for a wheel chair user.  His request was not acceded to and he was allotted a dilapidated and ruined flat in the same area which is not habitable.  As per his information, flat No. D1/2 has been allotted to Corporation’s Engineer-in-Chief who also lives in the same Minto Road locality where the complainant is living.  The name of the Engineer-in-Chief does not appear in the list of residents of Minto Road who were allotted flats at other locations and hence as per him, the Engineer-in-Chief has been allotted the flat on preferential basis and out of turn. Complainant has requested that allotment of ground floor flat D1/2 at Rajpur Road to Engineer-in-Chief should be cancelled and it should be allotted to him.

2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide letter dated 19.07.2018 followed by reminder dated 27.09.2018 and a hearing on 12.12.2018. 

3.      During the hearing on 12.12.2018, the representatives of the respondent  submitted that the complainant is not eligible for flat No. D1/2,  as he is in the grade pay of Rs. 7600/- .  To this, the complainant stated that since he is likely to be placed in the grade pay of Rs. 8700/- with retrospective effect and MCD has the provision to allot accommodation of higher type by paying three times license fee, he should have been allotted the said house.  As regards repairs and maintenance of the house allotted to the complainant, the representative of the respondent stated that the complainant should request to the Engineering Deptt. and a proposal for repairing all the flats was also submitted to the Finance Department.

4.      On the next date of hearing on 28.01.2019, as the complainant did not appear, he was contacted on his given telephone number. He informed that he had undergone a surgery and therefore could not attend the hearing in person.  He also stated that he visited flat No. E-1,Type IV at 10 Rajpur Road and found that its washroom is not accessible and a wall will have to be removed to enable him to use it with his wheel chair.  Some corridor areas are also very narrow.  He reiterated that a higher category house can be allotted to him on payment of three times the normal license fee.

5.      The representatives of the respondent informed that after hearing on 12.12.2018, the complainant was informed about the availability of Flat No. E-I, Type IV at 10, Rajpur Road and was requested to intimate whether the same was as per his needs.  As there was no response from him, they have submitted the proposal for allotment of the said flat to the complainant to the higher authorities.  If approved, the said flat should be allotted to the complainant.  As regards, modification of the washroom etc., the engineering department will be requested to do the needful.  They however, would not be able to comment on the feasibility to make the said flat accessible for a wheelchair user.

6.      As regards allotment of type-V house, they did not know whether any flat was vacant though the possibility was very rare as there are very limited numbers of type-V houses.  If any house is vacant, they would check and put up the proposal for the same to the higher authorities for decision.

7.      Any Govt. accommodation allotted to the complainant, who is a wheelchair user, should be usable by him.  If flat No. E-I, Type IV at 10, Rajpur Road is not accessible, necessary retrofitting should be done to make it accessible before it is allotted to the complainant.  If it is not feasible to make it accessible for the complainant, then the possibility of allotting him a Type-V house on payment of higher license fee should be explored as the complainant is ready to do so.  Paucity of funds cannot be the ground for not being able to allot an accessible accommodation to the complainant as it is mandatory to make existing public buildings 9accessible under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.  In order to facilitate early allotment of an accessible Type-IV or V house to the complainant, he is advised to contact Sh. Vijender Kumar, S.O. and  Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, ASO and intimate them his preferred locations.  Sh. Vijender Kumar shall find out the availability/ likely vacation of the preferred houses and intimate the complainant. The preferred house should be considered for allotment to him.  If none of the houses is accessible for the complainant, the concerned authority should take appropriate action to make a house accessible for the complainant and allot him within two months and submit an action taken report within three months from the date of receipt of this order as required under Section 81 of the Act.

8.      The case is disposed of.

9.      Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 18th day of February, 2019.

           (T.D. Dhariyal)
                               State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Seema Vs DCP & Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled | Case No.616/1111/2018/12/831-834 | Dated: 13.02.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25-D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-110002
Phone: 011-23216003-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No.616/1111/2018/12/831-834                                                      Dated: 13.02.2019

In the matter of:

Ms. Seema,
D/o Sh. Harcharan Lal,
H.No.172, Gali No. 30D,
Molarband Extension
Badarpur, Delhi-110044.                                                .………..Complainant


The Deputy Commissioner of Police,
South East District,
Pocket C, SaritaVihar,
New Delhi, Delhi 110076.                                    …………..Respondent No. 1

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled,
E-18A East of Kailash,
Near Kailash colony Metro Station,
New Delhi, Delhi 110065.                                    …………..Respondent No. 2

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled,
CA: 39, 15th Cross, 16th Main, Sector-4,
HSR Layout, Bengaluru,
Karnataka-560102.                                              …………..Respondent No. 3

Date of hearing      :         05.02.2019
Present                 :         Ms. Seema, Complainant
Sh. A.K. Peethambaram, Sh. Lalatendu Rout,       Ms. Anupriya Chadha, Sh. Govind Kumar, for respondent No.2 & 3.          


          The above named complainant, a person with 88% locomotor disability vide her complaint dated nil received on 03.12.2018 submitted that she was working as a trainer in Samarthanam Trust since 17.05.2018.  After one month, she was informed that the project for which she was working, is over and therefore she has to work as a mobiliser.  Ms. Anupriya Chadha of the organisation told her that she would have to do the stitching work etc. without providing her any training.  She also alleged that she was asked to bring food which she refused.  She further alleged that one office boy behaved in a sexually suggesting manner.  They also put some substance in her tea due to which she met with an accident.  She was told to leave the organisation without even paying her salary.

2.       The complaint was taken up with the respondents under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereinafter referred to as ‘Act’.

3.       There was no response from Respondent No.1.  Respondents No. 2  & 3 submitted as under:- 
“Dear Sir,
Sub: With regards to notice of complaint to show cause issued to Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled
Ref no: Case No. 616/1111/2018/12/12785
This is with regards to notice of complaint to show cause for Ms. Seema’s case, herewith we would like to bring it to your notice that Samarthanam is a nonprofit organization working for last 21 years for the welfare of persons with disabilities across India. Samarthanam started with the vision of empowering disabled in the area of educational, social, technical and economical aspects. Samarthanam has benefited thousands of disabled through rehabilitation and helped them to earn their dignity of life. Hence, our organization has been successful in serving for disabled over last two decades and it has been recognized by the State and Central governments with awards for its dedication and concern towards the welfare of the disabled.
May we point out to your good self that this is the first case for which our organization has received this kind notice from the department. Ms. Seema has been employed in Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, Delhi center as a trainer for tailoring from the month of May 2018. When we hired her, there was requirement for tailoring and we offered the job to Seema with condition that her employment remains in the organization until we have this tailoring project, after which, her employment will be continued only if there is any requirement with funding option. Also, as per organization’s policy each employee should serve 6 months probationary period to get employment confirmation. Since the project got over within 6 months of span, we requested Seema to serve notice period of 7 days as per our policy and requested her to submit resignation as there is no requirement for tailoring. Also, we assured that organization will offer job if there is funding opportunity for tailoring in future. This has been clearly discussed with Seema and we got oral acceptance over the call. Otherwise we did not have any intention to relive her from the job. And, we followed all procedures in relieving her from the job according to the offer letter, since our organization believes in respecting women and has concern about self-dignity of the employee.
With regards to complaint on mental and physical harassment, organization has a Committee and policy in place to tackle this kind of allegations. Organization has zero tolerance for such kind of harassment issues. In fact, this issue had not been brought to the management notice by Ms. Seema before filing the complaint. Otherwise we would have investigated with the Delhi team and taken necessary action against alleged offenders. As responsible organization, we will examine this matter and collect the information with evidence. If anybody is found guilty, our organization will take appropriate action against such employee.
We would request you to consider above points and instruct Ms. Seema to contact our New Delhi office and sort out her alleged complaints.

Yours faithfully
A.K. Peethambaram
(Authorised Signatory)
For Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled”

4.       The complainant vide her rejoinder received on 02.01.2019 reiterated her allegations about bad behaviour and ill treatment by the functionaries of the organisation and submitted that she should be given her job back.

5.       Upon considering the reply of respondents No. 2 & 3, a hearing was scheduled on 05.02.2019. During the hearing, the complainant reiterated her written submissions and during the interaction, it revealed that she neither had any supporting document/ evidence to support her allegations against Sh. Govind Kumar and others nor did she inform the concerned officials in the organisation or filed any complaint with the police. She submitted that because of fear of loosing the job or further harassment, she did not file any complaint in writing. She also stated that she contacted the HR Manager but did not report the matter to him on telephone or submit any representation in writing/email.  She wanted that the delay in payment of her salary for the month of November, 2018 by nearly 20 days (the salary was paid to her on 24.12.2018 instead of 07.12.2018) should be taken as the proof for her harassment on the ground of her disability.  As per her, payment of some amount on account of conveyance is also pending. 

6.       The representatives of the respondent reiterated the written submissions that there is an Internal Complaints Committee and grievance redressal mechanism in place.  The complainant neither filed any complaint in writing nor brought the alleged instance to the notice of any senior functionary including the women functionary.  They informed that the complainant has filed a complaint in the Labour Court, Pushp Vihar regarding her salary for the notice period.  Three hearings have already been held and next one is on 06.02.2019.  The organisation has already deposited in the court a cheque for full and final settlement.  

7.       It is observed that as per the office letter dated 16.05.2018, the complainant was appointed to the position of Trainer and she was required to report directly to the centre Head.  Her salary was fixed at Rs.12,010/- p.m. and her suitability was to be regularly reviewed and the offer would stand cancelled in the case of any deviation in information or if she failed to report before 17.05.2019.  The offer letter also mentioned that the NGO is dependent on external funds and schemes and it is not certain that the NGO would always get the funds for programme.  Therefore, her employment would be continued as per continuation of funds or schemes.

8.       As a complaint is pending before the Labour Court with regard to her salary and the complainant does not have any documents in support of her allegations, the complaint is dispose of with the recommendation that any pending payment on account of local conveyance be paid to her within 10 days of the submission of the claim in the prescribed form as the representatives of the respondent have informed that the complainant has not submitted any claim in the prescribed form.

9.       The complaint is disposed of.

10.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 13th day of February, 2019.

           (T.D. Dhariyal)
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Suo-Motu Vs. Secretary, Deptt of Social Welfare | Case No. 672/1011/2019/01/830 | Dated: 13.02.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 672/1011/2019/01/830                             Dated: 13.02.2019

In the matter of:


The Secretary,
Department of Social Welfare,
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Delhi Gate, New Delhi-110002.                                        ...........Respondent

Date of Hearing :   07.02.2019

Present:                Sh. Bhagwan, S.O., Sh. Mahesh Kumar, ASO, Sh. Vikas Kumar, ASO on behalf of respondent.


Department of Personnel & Training vide OM no. 30612/39/2014-Estt.(Res.) dated 22-25th May, 2015 had launched special Recruitment Drive for filling up unfilled vacancies reserved for persons with disabilities.  In light of the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s Interim Order dated 28.04.2015 in Contempt Petition No. 499/2014 in Civil Appeal No. 9096/2013 in the matter of National Federation of Blind, it was also observed that the information provided by various departments and sent to MHA was not correct and the details were not as per the proforma. This court therefore took up with the Pr. Secretaries/ Secretaries/ Spl. Secretaries/ Addl. Secretaries/ HODs of all the Departments of GNCT of Delhi for obtaining the details of appointments made by the concerned Departments and the establishments under their control as on 25.02.2016 in the prescribed format (copy enclosed) vide letter No. 5/1593/2017/Wel/CD/155-316 dated 05.05.2017. The information was to be submitted by 31.05.2017.

2.       Suo motu cases have been registered against the Departments who did not submit the information despite reminders including the Department of Social Welfare under Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’.  A show cause-cum-hearing notice dated 11.01.2019 was issued to Social Welfare Department with the direction to depute the concerned officers alongwith vacancy based reservation roster for persons with disabilities on 10.01.2019 for perusal so that the backlog of reserved vacancies, if any, is filled up by conducting special recruitment drive.  None appeared on 10.01.2019 and on the next date of hearing on 15.01.2019, it was submitted that the information regarding appointment of persons with disabilities since 1996 has been collected and would be submitted in a week’s time as the officers and staff were busy in the recruitment of teachers.          Sh. S. Kulshreshtha, S.O. and Sh. Mahesh Kumar, ASO were explained the provisions of the Act and the procedure prescribed by Department of Personnel and Training for computing the reserved vacancies for persons with disabilities and maintaining 100-Point vacancy based reservation roster.

3.       On the next date of hearing on 07.02.2019, Sh. Bhagwan, S.O., Sh. Mahesh Kumar, ASO, and Sh. Vikas Kumar, ASO have produced the details of information with regard to the vacancies filled in Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts by direct recruitment.  As per the details submitted, there has not been any recruitment to Group ‘A’ posts since 1996.  Hence no backlog.  In Group ‘B’ posts, 88 vacancies were filled and 2 persons with locomotor disabilities (OH), 3 VI and nil hearing impaired (HI) were appointed. Hence there is 1 backlog of HI as there is no record whether the advertisements mentioned about reservation of vacancies/carry forward/interchange with other categories of disabilities.  In Group ‘C’ posts, 82 vacancies were filled.  Out of them 8 persons with locomotor disability were appointed, but no person with blindness/ low vision (VI) and HI was appointed.  There is no record whether any vacancy was reserved for VI and HI.  As per the Department, there is backlog of 1 vacancy each for B/LV and HI. 

4.       The information in respect of promotion within Group ‘C’ posts has not been provided.  It may be recalled that while considering the complaint of Sh. Ashwani Gupta for promotion to the post of Housefather against reserved vacancy for persons with disabilities, it was found that reservation was not provided while making promotion in Group ‘C’ posts.  Therefore, in all likelihood there may be backlog of reserved vacancies in promotion to Group ‘C’ posts.  While the Department should submit the information pertaining to the appointments made in Group ‘C’ posts and the backlog, if any, it is considered expedient to dispose of this case so that backlog reserved vacancies in Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts by direct recruitment are filled up by conducting Special Recruitment Drive without losing any further time.

5.       Accordingly, based on the information so far submitted by the Department, the following recommendations are made;
(i)      initiate action to fill up the backlog of a vacancy in Group ‘B’ posts by a person with hearing impairment and one vacancy each in Group ‘C’ posts by a person with blindness/ low vision and person with hearing impairment by conducting Special Recruitment Drive or in a regular recruitment exercise within one month from the date of receipt of this order.
(ii)      submit the status of backlog of reserved vacancies by promotion within Group ’C’ posts and the 100-point vacancy based reservation roster for posts filled by promotion and for direcrt recruitment in Group ‘A’ , Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts which should be prepared in accordance with DOPT’s instructions within two months from the date of receipt of this order. The proposal to fill up the backlog of reserved vacancies, if any, should also be indicated.

6.           The case is disposed off.
7.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 13th day of February, 2019.
(T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Suo-Motu Vs. Dte of Education & Hazari Lal Public School | Case No. 673/1032/2019/01/797-98 | Dated: 12.02.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundri Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi.
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 673/1032/2019/01/797-98                        Dated: 12.02.2019

In the matter of:

The Director
 Directorate of Education, GNCTD
Old Secretariat Building, Civil Lines,
Delhi110054.                                                         Respondent No. 1

The Principal,
Hazari Lal Public School,
Siraspur Road, Khera Kalan,
Delhi-110082.                                                        Respondent No. 2

Date of hearing: 11.02.2019

Present:       Sh. D.K. Tyagi, DDE Zone 10, Sh. Kapil Kumar, Sr. Assistant, Sh. Ganesh Prasad, DDE (IEB), Sh. Vinay Bir Singh, OSD and Dr. Mukesh Chand, OSD (IEB) for Respondent No. 1.
Ms. Kavita Rana, Vice Principal and Ms. Jyoti Rana, Admission Incharge for Respondent no. 2.

Based on news items published in Indian Express on 03.01.2019 and Hindustan Times on 15.01.2019 that the parents of a six year old boy with deafness did not admit him in Hazari Lal Public School, Siraspur Road, Khera Kalan, Delhi allotted to him by Directorate of Education as the school was not equipped to cater his needs, a suo-moto case was registered under Section 80 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereafter referred to us the ‘Act’ and taken up with the respondents vide show cause-cum-hearing notice dated 10.01.2019. A hearing was scheduled on 11.02.2019. 
2.       Ms Kavita, vice Principal, Hazari Lal Public School vide her reply dated 02.02.2019 submitted that Master Lalit Kumar S/o Sh. Ram Kumar, a child with special need was allotted to the school.  Neither the child nor his parents visited or reported to the school for admission and hence he was mentioned “not reported” in the Directorate of Education’s portal.  The child/parent also did not report to any staff member of the school nor was there any entry in the Visiting Register.  It has also been stated that the school is well versed with various facilities and has a Special Educator as per the directions of the CBSE and Directorate of Education.   The question of denying admission to child did not arise.  Deputy Director, Directorate of Education, North-West A, vide reply dated 01.02.2019 has also reiterated the version of respondent no. 2. 
3.       During the hearing, the representatives of the school added that they tried to locate the child and found that he lives in the Sector 18, Rohini.  However, the parents did not seem interested in admitting the child in their school which is in a village catering to the children belonging to lower income group. 
4.       Sh. Ganesh Prasad, DDE (IEB) and Dr. Mukesh Chand, OSD (IEB) stated that the parents of the child have also filed a petition in the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, which is pending. Directorate of Education through its District Coordinator met the parents and informed them about the availability of Special Educator in the school and also the transport allowance for a period of 10 months to be paid to the children with disabilities, if admitted in a school.  They were also informed that sign language Interpreter would also be deputed, if required and that arrangement for cochlear implantation is also being made. However, the parents have not admitted the child in the school. 
5.       Since the matter is pending before Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, the case in this Court is closed.
6.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 11th day of February, 2018.      

           (T.D. Dhariyal)
                      State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities