Friday, October 4, 2019

Lalit Kumar Vs. New Delhi Institution of Management & Anr. | Case No. 796/1024/2019/03/6275-6277 | Dated:03.10.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]
Case No. 796/1024/2019/03/6275-6277                         Dated:03.10.2019
In the matter of:
Sh. Lalit Kumar S/o Sh. Latur Singh
D-85, West Vinod Nagar,
Delhi-110092                                                                   ...........Complainant

The Chairman,
New Delhi Institution of Management,
B-50 & B-60, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
Near Batra Hospital, New Delhi-110062                ….......…Respondent No. 1

The Deputy Labour Commissioner,
Labour Department
Pushpa Bhawan, Pushp Vihar
New Delhi-110062.                                               ….......…Respondent No. 2

Date of hearing:       30.09.2019
Present:                    Sh. Lalit Kumar alongwith Sh. Raj Kumar and Sh. Latur Singh, complainant

              The above named complainant, a person with more than 40% locomotor disability in his left upper limb and right lower limb vide his complaint dated 11.03.2019 submitted that he was working in New Delhi Institute of Management, F-13, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110020 as an Office Attendant since 18.08.2009.  He was removed from service on 20.07.2018 without any notice, payment of salary, Gratuity, P.F. & arrears, etc.  The action of the NDIM was arbitrary, mala fide and intended to victimize a person with disability.  He has also filed a complaint before the Labour Court, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi. 

2.            The complaint was taken up with the respondents vide notice 18.03.2019 under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereinafter referred to as the Act.  The complainant later on informed that the institution at the given address had been closed and shifted to its new location at B-50 and B-60, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Near Batra Hospital.  A copy of the notice was forwarded to the new address vide letter dated 08.05.2019. 

3.            Sh. V.K. Rao, Labour Officer (S) on behalf of respondent No. 2 submitted vide reply dated 11.07.2019 that the complainant had filed his grievance through a Labour Union in the office of the Joint Labour Commissioner (Distt. South).  Concerned Labour Inspector took up the matter and an action taken report was forwarded to the complainant with advice to file the claim for termination before Conciliation Officer.  As no settlement could be arrived at during the course of conciliation proceedings, the matter was referred to the Hon’ble Labour Court, Room No. 307, Court Complex, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi for adjudication vide a reference order no. F-24(276)/Lab./SD/2019/15893-15895 dated 02.07.2019.  

4.            As there was no response from respondent no. 1, a hearing was scheduled on 02.09.2019.  During the hearing, Sh. Madan Kumar, Administrative Officer appeared on behalf of Chairman, NDIM and submitted that because of some bereavement in his family, advocate could not come and he himself did not have any idea about the reason why the written submissions had not been filed on behalf of respondent No. 1.  He sought 20 days time to file written submissions.

5.            Sh. K.M. Singh, Deputy Labour Commissioner submitted that the reply dated 11.07.2019 has already been submitted and now he has no role to play as the matter has been referred to Hon’ble Labour Court for adjudication, which was accepted. 

6.            The complainant submitted that he is out of job since August, 2018 and has a family comprising his wife and a daughter to feed.  He is completely dependent on the disability pension Rs. 2500/- per month from the Department of Social Welfare and the support from his parents. 

7.            It was brought to the notice to respondent No. 1 that the Act has been enacted to give effect to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its basic principles are non-discrimination, full and effective participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the society among other things.  Section 21 of the Act also mandates every establishment including the private establishments that include NDIM to notify Equal Opportunity Policy for Persons with Disabilities detailing measures proposed to be taken to ensure and protect employment of persons with disabilities.  Rule 12 of the RPwD Rules, 2017 and the Delhi RPwD Rules, 2018 provide:-

“(1) Every establishment shall publish equal opportunity policy for persons with disabilities within a period of six months from the notification of these rules.

(2) The establishment shall display the equal opportunity policy preferably on their website, failing which, at conspicuous places in their premises.

(3) The equal opportunity policy of a private establishment having twenty or more employees and the Government establishments shall inter alia, contain the following, namely:-
(a) Facilities and amenities to be provided to the persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment;
(b) list of posts identified suitable for persons with disabilities in the establishment;
(c) the manner of selection of persons with disabilities for various posts, post-recruitment and pre-promotion training, preference in transfer and posting, special leave, preference in allotment of residential accommodation if any, and other facilities;
(d) provisions for assistive devices, barrier-free accessibility and other provisions for persons with disabilities;
(e) appointment of liaison officer by the establishment to look after the recruitment of persons with disabilities and provisions of facilities and amenities for such employees.

(4) The equal opportunity policy of the private establishment having less than twenty employees shall contain facilities and amenities to be provided to the persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment.”

8.            Section 89 of the Act provides for penalty which may extend to Rs. 5 Lakh for contravention of any provision of the Act and Section 93 provides for fine for failure to furnish information which is Rs. 25000/- in respect of each offence and in case of continued failure or refusal, with further fine which may extend to Rs. 1000/- for each day of continued failure or refusal. 

9.            Respondent No. 1 was directed to file his/her written reply by 09.09.2019 and also to make efforts to reinstate the complainant at its main branch at Tuglakabad.  It was also advised that in case it was not possible to do so, then the complainants dues/compensation should be released and an action taken report be submitted by 09.09.2019. 

10.          A copy of the RoP was also forwarded to Sh. Vijay Singhal, Presiding Officer, Labour Court, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi with a request to dispose of the matter before him as early as possible, considering the situation of the complainant. 

11.          Sh. R.K. Jaiswal, Authorized Representative of NDIM on behalf of respondent No. 1 vide reply dated 14.09.2019 has submitted as under;

In the above case, as directed by your communication dated July 31, 2019, our authorised representative was present in your court on Sep 2, 2019.  A written reply documenting the relevant facts is being submitted.

(i)           Mr. Lalit Kumar was employed with ‘New Delhi Institution of Management’, F-13, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi since Aug 2009.  He was hired out of our own will, without any compulsion, with full knowledge of his partial disability and without any discrimination.  If the intent was ever to victimise Mr. Lalit Kumar for his disability why would he be hired in the first place. 
(ii)          During his tenure of service with this office, he was given full salary and increments.  He was given all other facilities at per with other employees in a similar job role. 
(iii)         In July 2018, Mr. Lalit Kumar started taking extended, uninformed leaves from the office.  When asked telephonically for his reason of absence, because work was suffering badly, he kept quoting his mother’s cancer treatment as his reason for continued unapproved absence and kept requesting for additional leaves.  A totally lenient view, was taken in good faith to help him and his employment with this office was kept active despite his continued unauthorised leave. 
(iv)        Suddenly, one day Mr. Lalit Kumar sent a legal notice alleging wrongful dismissal from service.  The matter was heard in the office of the Deputy Labour Commissioner, Pushpa Bhawan, Pushpa Vihar, Delhi.  Since we had done nothing wrong, Mr. Lalit Kumar’s false allegations were not entertained by the office of the Deputy Labour Commissioner. 
(v)          Mr. Lalit Kumar is misusing his partial disability as a base to wrongly harass our office after he himself decided to leave his job for reasons best known to him.  If ever he was mistreated owing to his disability why did he never file a single complaint in his 8+ years of service.
(vi)        Mr. Lalit Kumar has alleged that he was not given salary and PF.  Each month for his entire duration of service, Mr. Lalit Kumar, was given his full salary on time.  His PF has been duly deposited in his PE account each month.  These records can be verified from his bank statements and the PF office.  This is just an attempt by Mr. Lalit Kumar to harass our office and extract extra, unfair, undue compensation.  Mr. Lalit Kumar has not raised any unpaid demand on our office.  We are always open to consider any request for the same as per law. 
(vii)       Mr. Lalit kumar has never raised a formal request for Gratuity with our office.  All such requests received by our office from other employees, have been honoured in accordance with the applicable laws.  It is wrong for Mr. Lalit Kumar to approach the Hon’ble Court for Gratuity, when he never once filed a claim for it with the employer.  Once his written request is received by our office, we will act upon it as per applicable laws. 
(viii)      Mr. Lalit Kumar left our office without giving even a single day’s notice.  All employees of this office are required to serve a minimum one month notice period or return one months’ salary in case they leave without notice.  Mr. Lalit Kumar has done neither.  Even if we had to terminate Mr. Lalit Kumar’s services, the court would have directed to us to give him 1-2 months of salary in lieu thereof.  We seek justice in your court to direct Mr. Lalit Kumar to pay our dues. 
(ix)        Mr. Lalit Kumar needs to be proceeded against for trying to implicate use on entirely incorrect facts by making false submissions before this Hon’ble Court.  We pray to you for proceeding against him for intentionally misleading the Hon’ble court. 
(x)          Mr. Lalit Kumar is harassing us and intentionally presenting a wrong and malicious picture of this office and trying to spoil our image at multiple forums.  We seek the Hon’ble Court’s permission to proceed against Mr. Lalit Kumar in the relevant forums and courts as per applicable laws. 
(xi)        We have not received the notice dated March 18, 2019 and May 8, 2019 (mentioned in your letter dated July 31, 2019), else we would have filed our reply on receipt of the first notice itself. 
(xii)       We pray to this Hon’ble Court to dismiss the complaint of Mr. Lalit Kumar with costs.
Yours sincerely,

RK Jaiswal
Authorised Representative”

12.          During the hearing on 30.09.2019, none appeared on behalf of respondent No. 1. 

13.          The complainant produced a copy of the attendance register maintained by respondent No. 1 at its Okhla Location for the month of July and August, 2018 to show that he attended office regularly at Okhla branch upto 18.07.2018 and did not take any leave.  His name was removed from the Attendance Register for August, 2018.  He further stated that Sh. Jivesh Thakur, Accountant directed him to attend office at its new location at Tuglakabad from 19.07.2018.  As per him, he attended office on 19.07.2018 at Tuglakabad up to 08.00 PM but he was not able to mark his attendance as his name was not entered in the Attendance Register.  On 20.07.2018, he went to the Okhla office and requested to retain him in that office.  He was told that a decision would be taken by the competent authority and he would be informed on telephone.  However, he did not get any telephone for 3 days and when he personally went to Okhla Office, he was informed that he cannot be retained in that office.  He also requested on telephone after a few days if he could join even at Tuglakabad, there was no response.  He was thus forced to get out of job.  The complainant is prepared to work at Tuglakabad also even now. 

14.          In view of the submissions of the parties and after going through the record, I reiterated my recommendation to respondent No. 1 to reinstate the complainant and allow him to join the Institute at Tuglakabad, if it is not possible at Okhla Branch.  The complainant is advised to submit a request application to respondent No. 1 to this effect by 04.10.2019.  Respondent No. 1 should take a decision on it and convey to the complainant in writing by 11.10.2019.  If the complainant is taken back, he is advised to perform his duties with sincerity.  The parties may inform the Labour Court, accordingly. 

15.          The service rendered by the complainant in the institute should be counted for service benefits such as Gratuity, etc. 

16.          The complaint is dispose of with the direction to the parties to inform this court about the decision taken in the matter as required under Section 81 of the Act.

17.          Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 03rd day of October, 2019.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hayat Yar Khan on behalf of Ms. Rubina Sultan Vs. Naved Yar Khan | Case No. 881/1121/2019/05/6198-6199 | Dated:30.09.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25-D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone 011-23216002-04, Telefax:011-23216005, Email:
(Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016)

Case No. 881/1121/2019/05/6198-6199                           Dated:30.09.2019

In the matter of :
Mr. Hayat Yar Khan,
(                     …………..Complainant
C/o Mr. Ram Lal,
B-2 (Ground Floor),
Nizamuddin East,
New Delhi-110013.                                                              

Mr. Naved Yar Khan,
2346, Mahagun Mascot,
Crossing Republik,
Ghaziabad (UP)-201009.                                  ...................Respondent

Last Date of Hearing:          12.09.2019

Present:             Sh. Deepak Sharma, Advocate for Complainant.


          The above named complainant, elder brother of Ms. Rubina Sultan a person stated to be suffering from Cerebral Palsy, vide his email dated 01.05.2019 alleged that Mr. Naved Yar Khan, his brother has not taken his sister to the concerned Delhi Govt. Hospital for assessment of Cerebral Palsy and intellectual disability to get a certificate of disability which would help her to register with Niramaya Health Insurance Scheme and apply for Guardianship with the Local Level Committee of the Central Delhi. 

2.      The complaint was taken up with the respondent vide Notice dated 10.05.2019 under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 hereinafter referred to as the Act and the case was fixed for hearing on 23.07.2019.

3.      On 23.07.2019  complainant, Sh. Hayat Yar Khan informed about his inability to attend the hearing as he is in Dubai, UAE and authorised Sh. Deepak Sharma Advocate to present his case.      

4.      Sh. Naved Yar Khan, the Respondent in his reply inter-alia submitted that Ms. Rubina Sultan is not a resident of Delhi as she is residing in Ghaziabad with him and hence the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of NCT of Delhi had no jurisdiction.  He informed that he is not able to attend the hearing due to illness.

5.      The parties were directed vide record of proceedings dated 23.07.2019 to submit the relevant documents like Voter ID, Aaadhar card, Pan card, Ration card etc. or any other valid residence and identity proof in support of their respective contentions about the residence of Ms. Rubina Sultan by 31.07.2019 and the case was adjourned to 09.08.2019.

6.      Vide his email dated 09.08.2019 Mr. Naved Yar Khan sought exemption from appearance  on that day and submitted that he would be producing public documents to establish that his sister Ms. Rubina Sultan is in his custody at his house in Ghaziabad since 2012.

7.      Sh. Deepak Sharma, Advocate for the complainant produced the copies of Electoral Roll of A.C. Ballimaran, Delhi for the years 1994 and 1999 in which the name of Ms. Rubina sultan appears.  He also produced a copy of the Election ID Card from the court record which the respondent himself had filed, a copy of letter dated 31.07.2012 from National Highways Authority of India addressed to Ms. Rubina Sultan and a copy of an appeal filed at Tis Hazari Courts by the respondent against the order dated 12.03.2015 on an application in which the respondent Mr. Naved Year Khan and Ms. Rubina are appellants.  In all those documents, the address of Ms. Rubina Sultan is 5182, Ballimaran, Delhi and these indicate that she was residing at Ballimaran till 2016.  The fact that she is the owner of the property at 5182, Ballimaran is also not disputed.

8.      The limited issue with which this court is concerned is that Ms. Rubina Sultan who is stated to be a person with Cerebral Palsy must be produced before an appropriate certifying authority and if eligible, should be issued a valid certificate of disability.  Since as per the documents produced, she is a resident of Ballimaran, Delhi, the medical authority in Delhi would be the competent certifying authority and to issue the certificate of disability.  However, if she has the required documents, the medical authority in Ghaziabad can also assess her and issue the certificate of disability which is the sole purpose of taking up the complaint. The resistance to do so by the respondent is unreasonable and can attract the penal provisions of the Act.

9.      The respondent was given last opportunity to make submissions before this court and arrange assessment of Ms. Rubina Sultan for assessment of her disability and issuance of a certificate of disability if she is eligible for the same vide RoP dated 13.08.2019.

10.    During the hearing on 12.09.2019,  Sh. Deepak Sharma, Advocate appeared for the complainant and submitted a copy of passbook of Bank of India and another passbook of the Post Office in respect of Ms. Rubina Sultan both of which show her address at Ballimaran, Delhi-110006.  He also submitted that the documents emailed on 31.07.2019 by complainant to this Court, may also be taken on record.  He also submitted that the complainant may be informed at least 2 weeks before the date of examination of Ms. Rubina Sultant for assessment of disability so that he and his representatives can also be present during her examination. 

11.    The respondent sent a list of documents which contain a copy of e-MO (Payment)  of Rs. 500/- of Department of Posts sent by Post Office Chandni Chowk, Delhi to Ms. Rubina Sultan C/o Naved Yar Khan, H.No. 2346, Crima Tawar, Mahagul, Mascot, Crosing Republic Dhundhera, Ghaziabad and a copy of Suit No. 53/2012 of the complainant in which it has been mentioned that the plaintiff therein namely Mr. Naved Yar Khan and Others (including Ms. Rubina Sultan) have shifted to Flat 2346, Crema tower, Mahagun Mascot, Crossing Republic, NH-24, Dhundhera, Ghaziabad -201009.  However neither he himself appeared nor did he send anyone to represent him on 12.09.2019.

12.    This Court has no issues whether Ms. Rubina Sultan is examined for assessment of her disability and issued a certificate of disability, if eligible by a certifying authority in Delhi or in Ghaziabad. 

13.         In the light of the above, respondent is once again directed to produce Ms. Rubina Sultan before the competent certifying authority  in the hospital having the jurisdiction and apply for issuance of disability certificate to her within one month from the date of receipt of this order and intimate the complainant the proposed date, place  and time where he would produce Ms. Rubina Sultan for assessment and certification of disability so that the complainant or his representative can also be present in the concerned hospital as requested by him.   After Ms. Rubina Sultan is assessed for disability and a decision is taken by the concerned certifying authority to issue the certificate of disability to her or otherwise,  the respondent shall intimate this Court and the complainant within a week thereafter.  If the complainant does not receive any intimation by 15.11.2019, he may approach the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Uttar Pradesh, Rajkiya Drishtibadhit Chhatron ka Chhatrawas, Basic Siksha Nideshalaya Campus, Nishatganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Email:  with the request to direct the respondent to have Ms. Rubina Sultan examined by the Medical Authority in Ghaziabad  for issuance of disability certificate as the respondent has also raised the issue of jurisdiction on the ground that she is residing at Ghaziabad. 

14.         The complainant may also approach the concerned Special Court designated under Section 84 of the Act for trial of offences under the Act. 

15.         Respondent is informed that in case of non-compliance of the order, he may run the risk of being punished under Section 89 of the Act which provides as under:
              “Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, or of any rule made thereunder shall for first contravention be punishable with fine which may extend to ten thounsand rupees and for any subsequent contravention with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees.”

16.      The case is disposed of.

17.   Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 30th day of September, 2019.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities


Saturday, September 28, 2019

Krishan Kumar Yadav Vs. The Secretary DSSSB | Case No. 1008/1014/2019/07/6155-6157 | Dated:27.09.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 1008/1014/2019/07/6155-6157                 Dated:27.09.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Krishan Kumar Yadav
Village-Aghwaar, PO Deveri,
District-Mirzapur, UP-231001
Email :                ……Complainant


The Secretary
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma
Delhi-110092                                                              ..….Respondent

Last date of Hearing: 26.09.2019

Present: Sh. Balwant Singh, SO (Interview Cell) for respondent.


The above named complainant, a person with 45% locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 16.05.2019 which was received on 26.06.2019 from the Court of Chief Commissioner for persons with Disabilities, Govt. of India, submitted that he appeared in the recruitment examination conducted by DSSSB for Special Education Teacher, Post code 87/17 in Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi in July 2018.  He was among the 281 selected candidates.  The physical verification of e-dossier started on 03.05.2018.  However, he was not called by Department of Education for verification.  Directorate of Education informed that the DSSSB had not sent his e-dossier whereas DSSSB functionaries informed that his e-dossier had been forwarded to Directorate of Education.  280 selected candidates would be going for medical examination and be appointed in July 2019. 
2.       The complaint was taken up with the respondent under the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereinafter referred to as “Act” with a copy to Director, Directorate of Education vide letter dated 05.07.2019. 
3.       Directorate of Education vide letter dated 18.07.2019 informed that they had not received the e-dossier of the complainant from DSSSB.  As soon as e-dossier was received, they would take necessary action.  As there was no response from DSSSB despite reminder dated 08.08.2019, a hearing was scheduled on 26.09.2019. 
4.       During the hearing, Sh. Balwant Singh, SO (Interview Cell) filed a written submission vide letter dated 25.09.2019 which reads as under:
“SUB: Ref: Case No.1008/1014/2019/07 (Sh. Krishan Kumar Yadav Vs Secretary DSSSB)
With reference to above cited subject, it is informed that the e-dossier of Sh. Krishan Kumar Yadav could not be sent to Directorate of Education by Policy & Publication branch as Sh. Krishan Kumar Yadav had not uploaded his disability certificate along with his e-dossier, which was an essential document to consider his candidature as PH (VH) candidate.  Accordingly, an opportunity was given to him to upload the same and link was opened. He was informed through SMS/email to upload his PH (VH) certificate on web portal. In compliance of the same he uploaded his disability Certificate and his e-dossier has been sent to Directorate of Education through online mode on 24.09.2019 (copy of forwarding letter is enclosed). This is for your kind information and further necessary action please.
This issued with prior approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully

Deputy Secretary
(Interview Cell)”
5.       He also clarified that Directorate of Education will now issue offer of appointment to the complainant after physical verification as the e-dossier has been forwarded to Directorate of Education.    
6.       The telephone number of the complainant was obtained from DSSSB and when he was contacted, he confirmed that he received an SMS about forwarding of his e-dossier to Directorate of Education.
7.       In view of the above, the complaint is disposed of.  However, as also recommended in the past, a quick response mechanism to the queries of candidates with disabilities should be put in place by DSSSB to avoid inconvenience to them and representations/complaints of this nature.
8.       A copy of this order be also sent to complainant’s email ID:
9.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 27th day of September, 2019.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Copy to:
1.        Director, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054. : For information.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Vinod Kumar Soran Vs. Delhi Public School & Anr. | Case No. 1151/1023/2019/09/6123-6126 | Dated:26.09.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 1151/1023/2019/09/6123-6126                          Dated:26.09.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Vinod Kumar Soran
S/o Sh. D.V. Singh
R/o A-33, Masoodpur,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.                                                     Complainant


Delhi Public School,
Sector-12, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110022
Through its Principal                                              ….Respondent No. 1

Delhi Public School Society,
F Block, East of Kailash,
New Delhi-110065.                                                 ….Respondent No. 2
Through its Chairman


The above named complainant, a person who has claimed to have 75% visual disability by birth, filed a complaint dated 17.09.2019 under Section 75 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (the Act) to set aside the office order dated 16.09.2019 of Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram relating to finalization of his dues on attaining the age of superannuation, i.e. 60 years on 20.09.2019 and grant of extension of service to him for 2 years after the date of his superannuation.
2.       Vide his letter dated 23.09.2019, the complainant has requested to withdraw his complaint with liberty to institute appropriate legal proceeding to seek remedy for his grievances as may be available to him under the law.    
3.       While the complaint is dismissed as withdrawn, it is observed that a copy of an unsigned and incomplete certificate dated 19.07.2012 without indicating the percentage of his visual disability on the letter head of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar with the name of Dr. Tushar Agarwal written at the space for signature of the Doctor, has been annexed at Annexure-C1 to the complaint. 
4.       It is also observed that Section 75 of the Act pertains to the functions of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and not the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.
5.       Medical Superintendent, Dr. Rajender Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi is requested to intimate this Court by 4th October, 2019 whether the certificate dated 19.07.2012 (copy enclosed) is registered by the Centre and provide details in respect of OPD no. 004224 mentioned in the said certificate for taking further action.
6.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 26th day of September, 2019.

(T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
Encl. : As above.

Copy to:-
1.    Medical Superintendent, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029 : For necessary action.