Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ganga Bisht Vs. The District Coordinator, Dy Director of Education | Case No.842/1031/2019/04/6617-6618 | Dated: 14/10/2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundri Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi.
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005, Email: comdis.delhi@nic.in
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No.842/1031/2019/04/6617-6618                Dated: 14/10/2019

In the matter of:

Ms, Ganga Bisht,
R/o RZ-180, Vishwas Park,
Manovikas Institute for Higher Education,
Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi-110059.                                     …………..Complainant
The District Coordinator,
Office of Deputy Director of Education,
Vikas Puri,
New Delhi-110002.                                   ..................Respondent


The above named complainant, mother of Baby Samridhi Bisht, a child with Autism (75% Intellectual Disability), appeared before the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities on 10.04.2019 and submitted that she is facing difficulties for admission of Samridhi in a private school.  She submitted that as she was not aware about the reservation of 3% seats for children with disabilities in the private schools, she could not apply online for admission of her daughter.  She also stated that the private schools do not even allow to enter the school premises and requested for admission of her daughter in a private school. 
2.  The complainant further submitted that the child is under treatment at Kalawati Saran Children Hospital, New Delhi.  The treating doctor has certified that Baby Samridhi Bisht has applied for disability certificate for Autism which is under process.  The doctor also recommended that Baby Samridhi Bisht be considered for admission to school as the process of issue of disability certificate may take some more time.
3.            As the date for online admission had already expired.  The District Coordinator was advised to get the child admitted to a nearby Government Sarvodya School and provide all necessary facilities for teaching and learning vide letter dated 10.04.2019.  The complainant was advised to meet The District Coordinator, Office of Deputy Director of Education, Vikas Puri, New Delhi.
4.            Vide letter dated 3.10.2019, the complainant submitted the disability certificate dated 22.08.2019 in respect of her child Baby Samridhi Bisht issued by Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Society and when she was contacted on her given telephone mobile number she informed that Samridhi has got admission in Modern Convent School, Sector-4, Dwarka, Delhi.
5.            As the child has been admitted, the complaint is disposed of.
6.           Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 14th day of October, 2019.

           (T.D. Dhariyal)
                    State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bimbadhar Sethi Vs. Commissioner(s) NDMC, SDMC & EDMC | Case No. 753/1011/2019/02/6594-6597 | Dated: 11.10.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]
Case No. 753/1011/2019/02/6594-6597                        Dated: 11.10.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Bimbadhar  Sethi
Vandematram  Bhawan 
Swasth Kust Rogi Majdoor Punarvash Sangthan
Room No.1 Leprosy Complex Tahirpur
 Shahdara Delhi- 110084                              …………Complainant


The Commissioner
North Delhi Municipal Corporation
4th Floor, Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre
JLN Marg, New Delhi -110002.                 ...........Respondent No.1

The Commissioner                                              
South Delhi Municipal Corporation               
9th Floor, Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre                          
JLN Marg, New Delhi -110002.                        .......... Respondent No.2

The Commissioner
East Delhi Municipal Corporation                 
419, Udyog Sadan, Patparganj                    
Industrial Area
Delhi -110096                                                   ............Respondent No.3
Last date of hearing : 04.09.2019
Present:      Sh. K.K. Barman, AO alongwith Sh. Siya Ram for respondent on behalf of North DMC.
                   Sh. Pradeep Kumar, SSA for respondent on behalf of East DMC.        
                   Sh. Yogendra Babu, Liaison Officer on behalf of SDMC.

Sh. Bimbadhar Sethi, General Secretary of Vandematram, Swasth Kust Rogi Majdoor Punarvash Sangathan filed a complaint vide letter dated nil, forwarded by the O/o the Minister (Social Welfare, Cooperative, SC/ST/OBC & Gurudwara Election) GNCTD  vide letter dated 12.02.2019 requesting that leprosy cured persons should be appointed against the vacant posts under 4% quota for persons with disabilities in all the three MCDs by conducting special recruitment drive.  The request was based on the contention that often the Corporations did not get enough people to work as Paryavaran Sahayaks and leprosy cured person are willing to work and have also been efficiently doing their job.
2.       The complaint was taken up with the respondents vide notice to show-cause-cum hearing  dated 07.03.2019 under the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’.
3.       Suo motu cases had also been registered against the three DMCs which involved filling up the reserved backlog vacancies for persons with disabilities, if any in Group A, B, C & D posts.  It was therefore decided to tag this case with the suo motu cases and common proceedings were conducted. While the complete information with respect to Group A, B & C posts is yet to come, this case can be disposed of based on the submissions made in respect of Paryavaran Sahayaks.  In view of this, the case is being disposed of by a separate order.
4.       After 5 hearings held on 10.04.2019, 07.05.2019, 24.06.2019, 05.08.2019 and 04.09.2019, the submissions of the parties have been summed up as under:
i)       The complainant, besides reiterating his written submissions contended that reservation for leprosy cured persons was not provided at the time of engaging daily wage Safai Karmacharis (Paryavaran Sahayak).  If that was so, then reservation should be provided while regularising the services of daily wage Paryavaran Sahayaks. 
ii)      North DMC
(a)     North DMC contended that they filled up 5,851 vacancies in Group D posts by direct recruitment since 1996. Out of them, 160 were with locomotor disability. Thus, there is no backlog of reserved vacancies for persons with locomotor disability. Further, 124 out of 160 persons with locomotor disability were leprosy cured persons as Paryavaran Sahayaks which alone is more than 1% of the total vacancies.  Therefore, there is no backlog of reserved vacancies for locomotor disability or leprosy cured persons in the post of Paryavaran Sahayak. 
(b)     After preparation of rosters, the backlog reservation in respect of VI and HI will have to be filled.
(iii)    SDMC
(a)     The information prior to 2012 has to be given by North DMC. After trifurcation of the MCD in 2012, SDMC appointed 448 daily wages Safai Karamcharis in 2015.  Out of them, 6 were persons with disabilities as against 14 at the rate of 3%.  Thus, there is a backlog of 8 vacancies for persons with disabilities against 448 persons appointed as daily wages Safai Karamcharis. 
(b)     In compliance with the directions of this Court, the representatives of SDMC on 04.09.2019 submitted a copy of note-sheet dated 02.09.2019 as per which the Additional Commissioner (DEMS), SDMC has approved engagement of 8 Safai Karamcharis in Group D posts to fill up the backlog reserved vacancies for persons with disabilities.   
iv)      EDMC
(a)     The backlog against the vacancies filled since 1996 has to be provided by North DMC.  Against a sanctioned strength of 13000 posts of Paryavaran Sahayaks, the EDMC already has 18000.  Therefore, there are no vacancies against which leprosy cured persons can be appointed.  However, EDMC will ensure reservation of 4% vacancies for persons with benchmark disabilities against the future vacancies that may be filled. 
(b)     EDMC has not done any recruitment of Safai Karamcharis after 2012 other than on compassionate ground.  Existing daily wage employees are being regularized against the vacancies in the sanctioned posts. 
(c)     As regards provision of reservation at the time of regularisation, it has been submitted that leprosy cured persons were engaged as daily wage Paryavaran Sahayaks by the unified MCD against the vacancies reserved for persons with disabilities.  The regularisation of daily wagers is being done in phased manner policy of MCD prevailing since 1988.  It is therefore difficult to consider reservation for persons with disabilities/leprosy cured persons at the time of regularization.
5.       In light of the submissions of the parties, the following recommends are made:
i)             North DMC should provide the information with regard to the vacancies filled in Group D posts before trifurcation of unified MCD so that SDMC and EDMC can compute the reserved vacancies and fill up the backlog, if any.
ii)            SDMC should expedite filling up the 8 vacancies of Paryavaran Sahayaks and complete the process within 3 months from the date of receipt of this order.  The complainant may advise the eligible leprosy cured persons to apply in response to the recruitment notice.
iii)          If any of the DMCs is not able to fill the vacancies of Paryavaran Sahayaks by persons with visual impairment/ hearing impairment/other disability for which the posts are identified, they should consider appointing eligible leprosy cured persons.
6.       The complainant is disposed of.
7.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 11th day of October, 2019.

                                                                           (T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Raj Kamal Narayan Vs. Ajay Kamal Narayan & Anr | Case No. 1037/1061/2019/07/6359-6362 | Dated:09.10.2019

In the Court of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 1037/1061/2019/07/6359-6362                          Dated:09.10.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan,
B-30/1, 1st Floor, Gali No-6
New Modern Shahdara,

Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan,
B-30/1, 2nd Floor, Gali No-6
New Modern Shahdara,
Delhi-110032.                                                             ......Respondent No. 1

Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan,
B-30/1, Ground Floor, Gali No-6
New Modern Shahdara,
Delhi-110032.                                                            ......Respondent No. 2

Last date of Hearing:     01.10.2019

Present:               Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan, Complainant
                             Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan, Respondent No. 1
                             Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, Respondent No. 2


          The above named complainant, a person with 90% locomotor disability vide his complaint dated 12.06.2019 submitted that he is a Government teacher posted in Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi.  He purchased a property measuring about 50 Sq. Yd. consisting of one and a half storey building at B-30/1, 2nd Floor, Gali No-6, New Modern Shahdara, Delhi-110032 in 2004 with his own funds.  He subsequently, constructed upto 3rd floor with the personal loan taken from the bank and personal savings in 2013.  He is single and permitted his younger brothers Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan to reside in the said house.  Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan stays on the ground floor with his family and Ajay Kamal Narayan on the second floor and he, himself stayson the first floor of the house. 
2.       The complainant alleged that the behaviour of Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his family members had not been good towards him and had a mala fide intention to grab his property.  He also alleged that Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, who is also a Govt. teacherin Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi used to pressurize him to transfer 50% portion of the said property in his name otherwise he may be implicated in false criminal cases.  The complainant had conveyed to him that after his death, the property would be equally distributed between his two younger brothers,Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayanas he has no legal heir except them.  However, on 31.05.2018, Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his family members started quarrelling with the complainant.  He called his youngest brother, Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan and other respectable persons of the locality and got the ground floor vacated.  They shifted to a tenanted house in Dilshad Colony.  The complainant put some articles and valuables in one room of the ground floor and locked two rooms after taking peaceful and vacant possession of the premises.Hefurther submitted that he also used to get the house cleaned and often used it as guest room. 
3.       On 10.06.2019 at around 12.30 PM, Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his wife visited him when he was alone in the house.  He alleged that while he welcomed them into his first floor house and served them cold drink, within 15 minutes his brother and his wife came out of the room and started manhandling him. Their children namely Ms. AmbikaTyagi, Ms. Radhika Tyagi and Master Rohan Tyagi forcefully entered and trespassed the ground floor and illegally took its possession by breaking the locks of the two rooms.  They also removed the valuable articles worth Rs. 25,000/-.  The complainant called the police on 100 at around 01.30 PM. After he narrated the incident, the police informed him that as the matter was of civil nature, they could not help much and advised him to approach Civil Court.  He also went to the Police Station Thana- Mansarovar Park, Shahdara, Delhi.  However, the police did not register any FIR.  This encouraged Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his wife who used derogatory words against him and threatened him and claimed, “POLICE HAMNE KHARID RAKHI HAI. AGAR JYADA SHOR KIA TO TUJHE BHI JAAN SE MAAR DENGE”.
4.       On 11.06.2019, Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan again came alongwith his other household items in small truck and forcefully put his household items in 2 rooms.  His youngest brother Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan also dialled the police on 100 from his mobile.  The PCR came and after he narrated the incident, they also advised to approach Civil Court.  Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his family members including his wife threatened him to implicate him in false sexual harassment case and also of dire consequences.  The police officials of Mansarovar Park, Shahdara refused to receive the written complaint of the complainant. 
5.       In view of the above, the complainant requested in his complaint addressed to the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities to take appropriate action against Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, his wife MeenakshiTyagi and his children Ms. AmbikaTyagi, Ms. Radhika Tyagi and Master Rohan Tyagi as per the law. A copy of the said complaint was also marked to DCP, ACP and the SHO,Mansarovar Park,ShahdaraDistrict.
6.       The complaint was receivedin this court on 18.07.2019 from the Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities andwas taken up with the respondents vide showcause-cum-hearing notice dated 07.08.2019 and a hearing was fixed on 05.09.2019.
7.       Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 1 in his reply dated 02.09.2019 has confirmed the contents of the complaint dated 12.06.2019. 
8.       Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 2 vide his reply dated nil received on 29.08.2019 has denied the allegations and has submitted inter-alia that he is working as a Govt. teacher since 1992.  The said property atB-30/1, Gali No-6 New Modern Shahdara, Delhi-110032, was bought in 2004out of the income of the joint family consisting of the three brothers and their father who was alive thenand by taking loan which was repaid by him as well.  The reconstruction of the house in 2013 was also done with his income and the income of the joint family.  His father gave him the possession of ground floor in 2004.  He or his family members have never misbehaves with his elder brother nor have they threatened him. He has equal share in the said property and they were all living in the joint family peacefully.  He shifted to the other house on rent as the education of his children was getting affected due to frequent quarrels in the house.  He often used to go to the houseand clean it.  The allegation of beating, abusing threatening etc. are false, when the police came to the spot and enquired about the matter, they found that the articles inside the house on the ground floor belonged to him and the police left after counselling and advising them not to disturb the peace.  The respondent No. 2 has further submitted that he has been handing over his income to his father, and subsequently as per his directions, to his elder brother Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan since his initial days of service in 1992.  As Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan was the eldest among the brothers and a divorcee with disability.  The General Power of Attorney of the said house was therefore done in the name of Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan.Sh. Sri Pal Bhati from whom the house was bought, made a ‘Will’ in the name of their father Sh. Jai Prakash Narayan which is available with the complainant. 
9.       Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan vide his two letters dated 30.09.2019 also submitted that the statement of the complainant that he paid him Rs. 10 Lakh for his businessis false. Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan and his wife had two companies namelyVardhman Engineering Works, Krishna Vihar, 44/15, BehtaHajipurLoni, Ghaziabad & Jai Durga Metalizing, Krishna Vihar, 44/15, BehtaHajipurLoni, Ghaziabad which had no connection with him.  The said Rs. 10 Lakhwas given by the complainant to Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 1 and not to him.  Vide his second letter, he submitted that the complainant has filed CS no. 678/2019Raj Kamal Narayan Vs. Vijay Kamal Narayan in District and Sessions Judge, Shahdara, Karkardoomaon the same issue.
10.     The complainant vide his letter dated 05.09.2019 has submitted 15 documents which include a copy of General Power of Attorney, Will deed, Agreement, Witness Deed, Affidavit, Sale Agreement (Sole Deed), Receipt, Call 100 Number on 10.06.2019 and or 11.06.2019, Aadhar Card, Election ID Card, Property Tax Receipt, Electricity Bill, Photographs, Disability Certificate and Employee Details. 
11.     During the hearing on 05.09.2019, the complainant, Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan reiterating his written submissions added thatbecause of the misbehaviour of Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, his wife and his children, he often gets humiliated and hurt.  After he was manhandled by the son of Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, he was forced to report the matter to police.  He otherwise has no problem withhis brothers living with him in his house.  It is because of the disrespect and the ill-treatment meted out to him that he wants Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan to leave the house, else he himself may have to leave and stay elsewhere.  He also produced some photographs of the ground floor house to show that it was empty before Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan returned on 10.06.2019 after staying away for 13 months.
12.     Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 2 on other hand submitted that he or his family has no dispute with his elder brother.  He, with his family shifted to Dilshad Garden on a rented house as his daughter was taking some tuitions.  He returned with his family after 13 months but the complainant did not allow him to enter and calledthe police,who after enquiry,let him and his family enter the house.  He wants to stay in the house peacefully.  He also stated that he contributed about Rs. Six Lakh for buying the house in question. 
13.     Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 1stated that the statement made by Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan was not correct.  In fact, Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan helped both of them.  He met their expenses during the last 32 years and also lent about Rs. 10 Lakh for the business,which he and Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan were doing jointly.  Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan,however denied their statements.
14.     After hearing the parties, they were informed about the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and were advised to sort out the matter amicably and if necessary, with the help of their near relatives like Sisters, Brothers-in-law and uncle and intimate the outcome to this court by 09.09.2019.
15.     On the next date of hearing on 01.10.2019, the parties submitted that their uncle (Chacha Ji), BrijBhushanTyagi and the father-in-law of Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and Ajay Kamal Narayan (their wives are sisters), Sh. Jaypal Singh Tyagi tried to settle the matter on 15.09.2019.  But the matter could not be resolved as the complainant wanted Sh. Vijay Kamal Narayan and his family to vacate thehouse. 
16.     The complainant produced a photocopy of his bank account in Vijaya Bank which shows that he had taken a personal loan of Rs. 3 Lakhfrom the said bank on 26.09.2013.  As per him, he took that loan to build the second and the third floor of the house.  He further submitted that he also invested Rs. 1,33,500/- that he received on Maturity of his PLI Policy which was credited to his account on 14.02.2014. 
17.     Sh. Ajay Kamal Narayan, respondent No. 1 submitted that he is prepared to vacate the house or pay the rent, which,though the complainant does not take from him being his younger brother. 
18.     An attempt that the parties reach a compromise and avoid taking matter to the courts, was made during the hearing also.  However, they did not seem to come to any meeting point. 
19.     It is observed from the General Power of Attorney that the property no. B-30/1 situated in the area of VillageChandrawali,New Modern Shahdara, Delhi is in favour of the complainant.  Sh. Sri Pal Bhati s/o Sh. Raghubar Singh from whom the said property was bought by the complainant, had also bequeathed that after his death,the said property shall go and devolve to Sh. Raj Kamal Narayan s/o Sh. Jai Prakash Narayan as per the Will Deed which is part of the Power of Attorney. 
20.     The respondents have not produced any documents to show that the property was bought out of the income of the Joint family or they contributed in acquiring the said property in the name of the complaint.  However, since the complainant has approached the District and Sessions Judge (East) Karkardooma court, that Hon’ble court would take a view in the matter.  As regards, the allegation of the complainant about his man-handling intimidation etc.against respondent no. 2 and his family members and that the concerned police functionaries did not register his compliant, DCP (Shahdara)is directed to look into the matter and ascertain what action was taken by the police on the compliant dated 12.06.2019 stated to have been submitted by the complainant to DCP, ACP and SHO (Shahdara-Distt.), Mansarovar Park, Shahdara, Delhi and submit an action taken report within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order.  The concerned police functionaries/ IO be deputed to contact the complainant and take appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 and Section 92 of the Act which are reproduced below:-
“Section 7:(1) The appropriate Government shall take measures to protect persons with disabilities from all forms of abuse, violence and exploitation and to prevent the same, shall—
(a) take cognizance of incidents of abuse, violence and exploitation and provide legal remedies available against such incidents;
(b) take steps for avoiding such incidents and prescribe the procedure for its reporting;
(c) take steps to rescue, protect and rehabilitate victims of such incidents; and
(d) create awareness and make available information among the public.
(2) Any person or registered organisation who or which has reason to believe that an act of abuse, violence or exploitation has been, or is being, or is likely to be committed against any person with disability, may give information about it to the Executive Magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction such incidents occur.
(3) The Executive Magistrate on receipt of such information, shall take immediate steps to stop or prevent its occurrence, as the case may be, or pass such order as he deems fit for the protection of such person with disability including an order—
(a) to rescue the victim of such act, authorising the police or any organisation working for persons with disabilities to provide for the safe custody or rehabilitation of such person, or both, as the case may be;
(b) for providing protective custody to the person with disability, if such person so desires;
(c) to provide maintenance to such person with disability.
(4) Any police officer who receives a complaint or otherwise comes to know of abuse, violence or exploitation towards any person with disability shall inform the aggrieved person of—
(a) his or her right to apply for protection under sub-section (2) and the particulars of the Executive Magistrate having jurisdiction to provide assistance;
(b) the particulars of the nearest organisation or institution working for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities;
(c) the right to free legal aid; and
(d) the right to file a complaint under the provisions of this Act or any other law dealing with such offence: Provided that nothing in this section shall be construed in any manner as to relieve the police officer from his duty to proceed in accordance with law upon receipt of information as to the commission of a cognizable offence.
(5) If the Executive Magistrate finds that the alleged act or behaviour constitutes an offence under the Indian Penal Code, or under any other law for the time being in force, he may forward the complaint to that effect to the Judicial or Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be, having jurisdiction in the matter.
Section 92:(a) intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate a person with disability in any place within public view;
(b) assaults or uses force to any person with disability with intent to dishonour him or outrage the modesty of a woman with disability.
….shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to five years and with fine.

21.     The Legal Cell of the Office of the Commissioner of Police: Delhi vide circular No. 28/2017 dated 25.10.2017 has directed all the DCsP to take necessary action to make the IO aware of the provisions of the Act and to ensure its effective implementation particularly with regardto the duties of the Police Officers.  The complainant is also informed that Department of Law,Justice and Legislative Affairs, GNCT of Delhi vide notification no.F.1/19/2018-Judl/Supdtlaw/1499-1507 dated 19.08.2019 has designated Additional Session Judge-02 in all the districts to try the cases of offences of the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 for the purpose of providing speedy trial in such matters.
22.     Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 09th day of October, 2019.
State Commissioner of Person with Disabilities

Copy to:Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara), 469, Pila Mandir, Shalimar Park, Shahdara, Delhi-110032:For action with respect to para 20 of the order.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Vishal Gupta Vs. Executive Engineer (Electrical) SDMC | Case No. 1006/1111/2019/07/6319-6320 | Dated: 04.10.2019

In the Court of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
National Capital Territory of Delhi
25- D, Mata Sundari Road, Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi-2
Phone-011-23216002-04, Telefax: 011-23216005,
[Vested with powers of Civil Court under the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016]

Case No. 1006/1111/2019/07/6319-6320                        Dated: 04.10.2019

In the matter of:

Sh. Vishal Gupta,
J.E. (Electrical)/CNZ
F-21, St. No. 06, Brahmpuri,
Delhi 110053.                                                                 ........... Complainant

The Executive Engineer (Electrical)
South Delhi Municipal Corporation,
SDMC Primary School,
Defence Colony,
New Delhi-110024.                                                         ........... Respondent

Last Date of Hearing     30.09.2019

Present:               Sh. Vishal Gupta, JE (E), complainant in person.
                             Sh. A.Z. Beg, Exe. Engineer (Electrical) and Sh. Kushal Chawla, AEE/CNZ for respondent.


The above named complainant, a person with 54.9% hearing impairment vide his complaint dated 27.06.2019 submitted that he is working as Junior Engineer (Electrical) in South Delhi Municipal Corporation.  He had certain issues that made him mentally disturbed. He was under too much pressure and stress and was fearing termination of his services.  He felt harassed and resigned from the post of Jr. Engineer (Electrical)/CNZ. 

2.       The complainant addressed his representation to the Executive Engineer (Electrical), SDMC Primary School, Defence Colony, New Delhi with a copy to this Court and other officers/authorities in SDMC and Govt. of NCT of Delhi. 

3.       Vide letter dated 05.07.2019, an action taken report was sought from the respondent, who vide reply dated 19.07.2019, inter-alia submitted that the complainant was working as Junior Engineer (Electrical) on contract basis.  He never brought his problem to his notice before submitting the representation dated 27.06.2019.  He also did not mention anything about the allegations made in his representation when he submitted his resignation.  He told him that complainant was resigning as he wanted to prepare for competitive examinations for getting permanent Govt. job and he was not satisfied with his contractual job.  After receipt of the complaint, he personally inquired into the working of Sh. Kushal Chawla, Assistant Engineer from all other Junior Engineers (Electrical).  All of them strongly expressed their views that the allegations were found to be false and fabricated.  He also enclosed the explanation/comments dated 17.07.2019 of Sh Kushal Chawla (AEE) including a collective statement of seven Jr. Engineers working under him.  They stated that the working and behaviour of the Sh. Kushal Chawla has been very good, cordial and supportive and they have no complaint or any issues with him. 

4.       In his rejoinder dated 06.09.2019, the complainant submitted that he was not satisfied with the reply and he should be given an opportunity of a hearing.  He also submitted that he has requested for withdrawal of his resignation. 

5.       Upon considering the written submissions, a hearing was scheduled on 30.09.2019. After detailed interaction with the parties and perusal of record, it appeared that there had been some communication gap between the complainant and his immediate supervisor.  A copy of his resignation letter dated 11.06.2019 produced by the respondent, gives the personal reasons for resigning with effect from 30.06.2019 (Evening). The complainant has also thanked his seniors, staff and co-workers for their support.  The said resignation was accepted by Commissioner, SDMC vide order dated 24.07.2019. 

6.       The respondent submitted that as the complainant’s contract was coming to an end on 30.06.2019 and in view of his request for resignation w.e.f. the same date, an office order dated 07.08.2019 that the Commissioner, SDMC has terminated the contract of the complainant with effect from 30.06.2019 was issued.  They also clarified that there is no provision for withdrawal of resignation by an employee of contract once the resignation is accepted.  It is for the Competent Authority to consider his request.  He also submitted that he received an email dated 06.09.2019 from the complainant requesting to allow him to withdraw his resignation which he submitted under tremendous stress. He immediately informed the complainant that he should pursue the matter with ADC, Engineer/HQ/SDMC as his Division has no authority to take any action in the matter. 

7.       The complainant stated that he wants to continue working in SDMC as he submitted his resignation under stress. 

8.       It appears that complainant submitted his resignation in haste and due to some communication gap and misunderstanding. As his immediate superior officers including Sh. Kushal Chawla have no issue with regard to his working and no other person has been appointed/engaged in place of the complainant, it is recommended that Commissioner, SDMC may consider re-engaging the complainant as Jr. Engineer (Electrical) and have an action taken submitted to this Court within a month of receipt of this order or by 31.10.2019 whichever is earlier.

9.       Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this 4th day of October, 2019.

             (T.D. Dhariyal)
           State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities